Friday 29 August 2014

National Boris.


Some people are so notorious that they are simply known by their given name; above is one such.

I do like dear old Boris, and bizarrely he is equally liked by both sides of the political spectrum.  He's a breath of fresh eccentric air in the otherwise dull and corrupt world of politics. He tells the truth (mostly), and does what he says. Some might also say he's slightly 'Churchillian'. Even though he swings to the right of the political roundabout, he could almost be from any leaning.

He had a pretty classic upbringing for a politician. Ashdown House, Eton, Balliol, President of the Oxford Union, as well as being a naughty Bullingdon* member. Somehow he also managed to leave Oxford with a 2:1 degree in Classics. Educationally, it doesn't get much better.

When we think of Boris, we think of London bicycles, blond unruly hair, occasional womaniser, and highly intelligent buffoon. He is the current Mayor of London.

Boris could well be a future UK Prime Minister, or at least a minister, so look out world, you ain't seen nuffin yet. When (or if) this man starts walking the international political catwalk, he'll be a serious power to reckon with.

*The Bullingdon Club is an exclusive drinking club for extremely wealthy, and well connected, Oxford undergraduates. They dress extravagantly, eat and drink copiously, then create mayhem (leaving daddy's lawyers to cough-up for the damage). It's a fine British institution, and the perfect training ground for UK Prime Ministers (our present PM, Dave, was also a member).

p.s. With both Boris and Nigel (Farage) amongst a new wave of hopeful MP's; politics is suddenly looking more interesting (if not more appealing).


  1. I remember that face from the London Olympics. I watched him speak on a couple of occasions and fell in love with him. Very charming and funny!

  2. We all love Boris - he outwardly appears to be a buffoon but I suspect he's a pretty canny politician who could knock Cameron off his perch - tv interviews in front of no.10 would certainly be more interesting that's for sure.

  3. I used to love watching him on Have I got news for you. I quite like his sister as well after seeing her on the old box once or twice.

  4. Boris is not much of a team player, maybe that's ok. I doubt he will be PM because the Tories are not going to win the next election. I like him. The press and the opposition will constantly be looking for mistresses and trouble. His sister Rachel writes for the Mail.

    1. France and Germany would both be very happy to see a change of government, they'd love to see the UK economy in the gutter again. They hate it when we're doing so well.

  5. He is a very intelligent chap hiding under a mask of buffoonery I think. Can't help liking him.

  6. I have socialist written through me like a stick of rock, but have to say I quite like the man. No one should be fooled by his apparent silliness, he's a canny so and so. It is good to see characters in British politics instead of the wishy washy lot we have presently.

  7. I LOVE Boris and think he would make a brilliant Prime Minister but, for me, Nigel Farage has no redeeming features and absolutely nothing interesting or appealing about him. I can't stand him or his politics and think that his views and those of his party are quite dangerous. XXXX

    1. Farage is riding on a wave of xenophobia, just as Marine Le Pen is here in France. They usually disappear when a general election comes along.

  8. Yes, I have to say that I - along with most people - warm to Boris, despite his buffoonery. I just hope he can apply the same humour to any future foreign policy he may be in charge of concocting.

    1. I can picture him as a determined Foreign Secretary, with a few foot-in-mouths thrown in.

  9. I'd say the world could use a few more politicians like your Boris. A politician who actually does what he says he's gonna do??? What a concept! And with a sense of humor to boot. Sounds like he isn't all puffed up with self-importance. Bring him on! I'd like to see him on the international stage.

  10. He has a certain something...what it is I do not know....but he does have something, I don't like politicians but Boris is ok.

  11. Understand his appeal but cannot abide him or his self satisfied patronising sister. x

  12. I don't know anything about him, but will vote for anyone who can make me laugh and is true to himself.
