Tuesday 26 August 2014

Black for Danger?

I am growing two varieties of chili this year. One is a 5 inch long, medium hot, carrot-shape-ish, chili which I am already using (very nice). The other is the above; a small, black, dangerous-looking, evil baby.

I don't remember actually buying this variety, in fact I'm sure it was supposed to have been a small, roundish, hot, RED chili.

The soil is very dry here, and these black chilies are now drooping. A week or so ago they were all pointing skywards.

Does anyone grow these? Are they as dangerous as they appear? Do they stay black? I haven't dared use one yet, I suppose I could try the 'taste test'.

All answers greatly appreciated.


  1. Not long back from my morning walk with the dogs. I counted 8 drops of rain, and we're promised more during the week. I hope it arrives.

  2. It can be the Hungarian black chilli , that chilli is not so hot like other chilli or the tasmanian black chilli which is very good and not dangerouse at all.

  3. Go on - be a devil and try one!

    1. I suppose I'll have to soon. If you don't hear from me.......

  4. They are black then red, wait.
    It is raining here.

    1. Is that guaranteed? They do really turn red?

  5. I Googled it, Cro. Rachel is correct - they should turn red in a few days.

    Either that, or you'll spontaneously combust on trial day! :)

  6. I am told that when I was a child in diapers I walked outside and stuffed my face with some red little candy looking things from a large bush in our front yard. I cried for 3 days straight due to the burning at both ends resulting from the capsaicin overdose. I likely caused permanent damage, and to this day can't stand any sort of chilli peppers. There is a reason plants develop these toxins, they are telling you "don't eat me".

    1. Well, I love chilies; not wildly hot, but with punch. I can think of few things that I enjoy more than a good hot curry.

    2. I love chilli pickle but it is difficult to get, it is usually mixed with limes and not the same thing.

  7. Red chillies are hot enough for me Cro - daren't try those wicked looking black ones!

  8. Got red ones and orange ones and green ones, but never seen black ones. I'd be a bit wary of those as well, I think.
