Thursday 17 July 2014

Summer returns.

After just a couple of days of warm sunshine the pool temperature has risen to 27 C, my spirits have been lifted, and all talk of a ghastly July have been banished.

Pretty summer dresses are again being worn (by the girlies), smiles have replaced scowls, and early evening drinks are being taken to the sound of running (pumped) water. 

Horse Flies now return by the million, Flying Ants coat the surface of the pool, and we shall be covered in little red spots for the duration.

37 C forecast for today. I love it; ice creams anyone?


  1. I'm pleased to hear it's just the girls wearing pretty dresses!

  2. Summer is here too. Harvest has started. I am wearing summer hats, and thunder storms are forecast. I wonder what the weather is like in Bath.

    1. The sun always shines in Bath. Or am I thinking of The Bell Inn?

  3. We are forecast 30C for the next 2 days…much too hot for me! I don't envy you your 37, though at least you can spend it in the pool. How do the dogs cope? In the pool as well?

    1. The boys don't like it too hot, they find a quiet cool corner, and sleep; very wise. The pool will be well used today; I've just finished my morning's work, and shall throw myself in NOW.

  4. Midge bites are the bane of my life - any biting/flying thing within a mile of me will make for my skin and make a meal of it.
    Hot here. Phase one of haymaking will be completed today all being well. Violent storms forecast for the weekend. Enjoy your pool.

  5. By four in the morning, moisture in the air is chilled by the cool Benguela current and a clammy fog settles over us coating the tin roofs with dripping condensation while we huddle under three layers of blankets. I hate the cold season!

    1. The grass is always wet here in the mornings. Even in the height of summer there is always moisture about. This morning, which was a beautiful warm morning, I was still forced to wear gumboots for the dog's early walk.

  6. Wow 37 degrees is quite hot! By the way, how's Monty doing?

    1. He's now better, thanks Ansku. We just hope whatever it was doesn't come back.

  7. Summer hasn't returned here yet but we still hold out hope.

  8. Odd - I've never thought of insects and France in the same context. I suppose I thought it was above anything as mundane as bugs.

    1. Actually it's only ever our visitors/guests who are bitten. I'm always amazed that after their first night they manage to have bites all over. Fresh blood, no doubt.

  9. Summer always brings the bugs out, but we learn to take the good with the bad.

  10. Lovely sunflowers. Pigeons got mine at an early stage, so only have three plants left. very hot here today and hoping for thunderstorms tomorrow to give the gardens a good soaking.

    1. These flowers are just beyond our pool, and are for Oil. Unfortunately (as you can see) they face away from us; you can just see our pump house on the left.

  11. I can just feel the heat looking at your photo!
