Wednesday 16 July 2014

They're in The News again.....


Hamas members (above) doing what they do best; indiscriminately firing thousands of rockets at their next-door-neighbours.

Israel's recent retaliation against these terrorists has brought out the usual dungaree-wearing do-gooders, who, even after all the atrocities of the past decades, continue to support Arab terrorist groups whilst venting their anti Semitic hatred.

I just wish that all the state sponsors of Hamas (Iran, Syria, and others) would stop this crazy supply of weaponry, and redirect their benefaction to the welfare of the actual Palestinian people themselves who are being led into a disaster by a single-minded bunch of warmongering zealots.

The Israelis are a hard working and peace loving people who just want to be left alone to get on with their lives. Their children are well educated, their streets are clean, and their fields are filled with healthy crops. Compare this to the Arabs of Gaza, who are forced to live under the thumb of terror, and receive the only response possible from those that they constantly attack.

Wake up Hamas..... it's time to re-think your policy. Spend your money on bread NOT bombs; and stop moaning when those you attack on a daily basis, occasionally fight back.

As you may have guessed, I am no friend of ANY terrorist group, nor am I an enemy of any nation; full stop.


  1. Being anti Zionist is not the same as being anti Semitic.

    1. There are a LOT of both about.

    2. There are a lot of confused people around, and Israel does it's best to maintain the confusion.

  2. Everywhere there is violence, it is always the women and children who suffer. It has always been thus.

    1. Sadly that is correct for those 3 young Israelis, and the young Palestinian who was killed in revenge. Now look where it's led.

  3. I probably should add that I'm not anti-Palestinian, nor am I pro-Israeli. I am anti war, and pro humanity. I just wish that most Middle Eastern 'leaders' thought similarly.

  4. As ever, the dominant narrative being presented to us on the current conflict in Gaza is that Israel is defending itself and its civilians against unprovoked aggression by Palestinian terrorists.

    And as expected, it is the same narrative being pushed in Washington and London, like a well-rehearsed play the actors involved perform their respective roles with the same old aplomb.

    It is the same narrative we have been subjected to over countless years, one intended to paint Israel, that democratic outpost of Western civilization surrounded by barbarian hordes intent on its destruction, as perennial victim.

    But as in the past, so as now, it is a lie.

    The truth is the current conflict has little if anything to do with Hamas or its rockets. It does however have everything to do with the state of Israel’s decades-long policy of occupation, embargo, siege, collective punishment, expropriation, ethnic cleansing and apartheid. Israel’s war is not with Hamas but with the Palestinian people in their entirety, both the 1.5 million in Gaza and the 3 million in the West Bank. It is a war waged every hour of every day there is occupation, checkpoints, and settlements. It is a war waged every hour of every day there is an economic embargo, siege, and collective punishment. It is a war being waged every second of the indignity and humiliation suffered by its victims.

    Yet despite the irrefutable facts of Israel’s barbaric treatment of a people criminalized for daring to exist, we are treated to a constant inversion of the truth, which holds that the many and multiple depredations being suffered by the Palestinians do not amount to one of the most sustained and grievous crimes against humanity in history, but are the result of their intransigence and violence. This is the song of colonialism. The victims always bring it on themselves. If only they would learn to bear their chains in silence. As Golda Meir said, “We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children.”
    And they are killing them, right now, while the world looks on – again.

    1. Have you just copied all that bilge from 'The Workers Weekly'?

      Have you also forgotten who recently killed three Jewish youths? Yes, I thought you had!

  5. You know what mate if you cannot stand the heat (truth) don't light the fire.

  6. re The Irish Bard's long-winded comment. Sadly it's because Hamas is led by people who think like him, and not me, that this awful situation continues. The 'real' people of Palestine deserve better.

  7. Like I said before, they are devotees of a death worshiping cult. How do you stop a cult hell bent on killing itself other than help it on its way? Predominant media and alphabet soup news seeks to blame Israel, ignoring all along that on average over the last 24 months there have been something like 70 Iranian supplied rockets a day fired by Hamas at Israel. But no one ever talks about that. The three murdered Israeli youths hardly got a mention, but we get ad-nausea reports on the Palestinian "suffering" in the "refugee camps". Since when do luxury high rises with roof top rocket launchers constitute "refugee camps"? So long as a majority of Palestinians don't force their own people stop the indiscriminate murdering, it will not end. And the predominant western media culture is only an accessory to the murder.

    1. I read somewhere that an average of 2000 rockets are fired each week, but most of them just make a large 'Bang', and are simply designed to create panic.

  8. The real crux of the matter is: few can "stand the truth" that the Israelite people ARE God's chosen people. Read if you are brave enough:

    1. Oh dear; as a card-holding atheist I can't take too much of that. I'll stick to 'logic', thanks.

  9. I have never seen any evidence that has ever told me to trust what the Israelis say.

    1. Nor have I, but I trust Hamas less.

    2. I regret to say I wouldn't put it past the Israelis to have murdered the three boys themselves.

    3. Yes, and I suppose you believe the moon landings were all staged in Hollywood and 9-11 was an inside job.

    4. I thought the same thing as Rachel, and I am also not anti-semitic.

    5. What I am is not happy that governments and big business control their countries, and innocent people get hurt.

    6. And religious extremists of any ilk.

  10. Pat Condel has it right.

  11. The semitic people are not just those who live in Israel, it also applicable to people who belong to the Afro-Asiatic language group that includes Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and Aramaic.

  12. yea whatever Mr Heron, put this one in your pipe and smoke it.

    1. He seems to have understood the situation pretty well.

  13. I shall finish all this by saying that the last anti Israel demonstration I saw in the UK (dungarees by the dozen) was in Brighton, where the darlings had daubed huge white Stars of David on the windows of Marks and Spencer's. That REALLY stank of anti-semitism..

    1. And that is hateful. But there are zealots all over this world. Have you seen the morons in the US who are trying to keep the children from crossing our borders? As if any of us here aren't immigrants, and what this country has done to the Native Americans.

  14. Thank you so much Cro Magnon.Iam so tiered of being afraid and runing to the bomb shelter several times neight and days.My english is not so good so i can not argue with all those people who like to hate us and dont see the reality as it is. Yuo saw.

  15. Shalom Cro Magnon. Thanks for having the guts to speak your mind.
    Greetings from Dina in southern Israel.

    1. It never fails to surprise me that (otherwise sensible) people support Arab terrorist groups. Best wishes to you; stay safe.

  16. I have recently read something that rang so true...

    You can bomb a place to pieces, but you can't bomb a place into peace...

    So true...

  17. One of the best things I have read this week:
    Egypt is flooding the Gaza's tunnels with raw sewage.
