Friday 18 July 2014

Post-rain lunch.

With the foul weather we've been having recently, Girolles have been thick on the ground. Our favourite use for these delicious mushrooms is a lunchtime omelet.

Unfortunately Richard is on strike, so shop bought 'plein air' eggs had to be used instead.

Girolles don't freeze well, but when washed, they do keep for over a week in the fridge. Maybe Richard will oblige before the current season is over.

I'm not sure if my omelet photo looks particularly appetising, but I can assure you that it tasted bloody marvelous.


  1. It looks so good. I can evev smell the tasty mushrooms.

    1. They do have a particularly pleasant 'perfume'. Stay safe, Cro x

  2. Looks delicious - just love mushroom omelet of any kind, no, just love mushrooms however they are served.

  3. I love omelettes any way I can get them. Yours looks yummy! Beautiful mushrooms.

  4. I should add that the rains have long gone, but the mushrooms still grow.

  5. It looks bloody appetising to me - I am salivating.

  6. I wish I liked mushrooms ! Yes I know I'm weird. That omelete looks alright to me, cheese is my favourite with lots of pepper!
    Are you going to start WWIII on your blog today with comments on the downed Malaysian plane?!! The Hamas post was interesting (I kept my head down - coward that I am)

    1. Dreadful business. I suppose it was the 'rebels' who brought it down. What a terrible waste of life; and for what purpose?

  7. Actually it looks good enough to eat.

  8. When I see your tasty looking lunches I become inspired to do the same. However, when that time of day comes around, I usually just open the fridge and settle for a yogurt.

  9. I love omelettes and have one for breakfast nearly every day.

    It took me awhile to like mushrooms. What i worked out was that i didn't mind the taste, but i didn't like the texture. Once i got past the texture part, i was happy to add them to just about anything.

  10. Hi Cro, I so enjoy your comments on John Gray's blog, and LOVED the one today (10 Downing Street, New York, South Africa!) that I decided to pop over and visit you. This omelet looks yummy too. I'm off to read your profile... Greetings, Jo (East Africa)

    1. Hi Jo; I'm slowly becoming very international.

  11. It is hot and dry. No storms. No flies. And I have some red wine tonight.
