Wednesday 21 May 2014

Spring fruits.

It's red fruit season. Our strawberries are just starting, my neighbour José's cherries are in full swing (above), the red currants are swelling nicely, and my Tayberries are looking fantastic.

It's been a perfect start to the fruiting year. The Peach trees look OK, and there are plenty of Apples, Plums, and Pears.

The Fig trees ALWAYS perform well; they just do. And, of course, the Quince is loaded. 

We shall have less Bramleys this year as I cut (pruned) half of it down, but we always have too many anyway, so not a bad thing. 

The Walnuts are also looking good.

There SHALL be fruit on the Magnon 2014 table.


  1. Not. Jealous.....much.......oh how I love figs....well done mister - you must have the gardening knack.

    1. Figs never fail. At the last count I think we have 7 trees. Far too many.

  2. What a bounty Cro ….. Summer fruits are my favourites , love figs and how lovely to collect your own walnuts. I also love wet walnuts …. do you have those ? {… and cob nuts …. it's hard to find them in the UK now }
    ….. and, ever since the black cherries came over here, the other varieties are a rarity. I love the golden cherries that we used to have as children but now, you have to take a mortgage out to buy them !!
    ….. oh, and thanks for your lovely comment yesterday. XXXX

  3. Sounds delightful. But do you have too much? Even preserving two people could not get through all that. Do you sell some or give it away or perhaps swap with others for items you don't grow yourself ?

    1. I feed an awful lot of wildlife! Unfortunately everyone else has exactly the same, so giving away is almost impossible. The only things we can occasionally donate are tomatoes.

  4. Sounds like a great selection of fruit already. Mine is some way off yet. Just rhubarb so far. Won't be long now though, I'm looking forward to the few gooseberries that I've got.

  5. They look delicious - love the bowl too. It's definitely going to be a bumper year.

  6. Replies
    1. Did the word 'fruits' get in there by mistake?

    2. No, I like strawberries, raspberries, and blackcuurants and redcurrants.

  7. Our summer fruit of choice here is the Mango. We even call it the King of Fruits. They have good mangoes in Pakistan too.

    1. Oh, I would love to grow Mangoes. They are among my very favourite fruits.

  8. I'm really feeling like a move to southern France is a necessity...the only thing close to being edible here is rhubarb.

  9. I love cherries unfortunately we must purchase all ours.

    1. My friend and neighbour, José, has a series of trees that ripen one after the other, so we have a free supply for about 4 weeks (or more). What better neighbour!

    2. Sounds like a GREAT neighbor!

  10. Lucky you - we over here are destined to buy produce from overseas. The strawberries in particular have lost a lot of their flavour by the time they hit our tables.

    1. I had my first Strawberry yesterday. It may be a few days before I have another.

  11. Walnuts now I really am jealous. And fresh cherries? OMG heaven. Our little tree get stripped by the birds every year no matter what we do

  12. CHerries!!! My favourite. We can't grow sweet cherries here but I planted some sour cherry trees and am really hoping to get some cherries off them this year!! Yum!

  13. Mmmm, cherries. Our winters aren't cold enough for long enough for cherry trees to do well here, we have to purchase them in grocery stores when the season comes round. And they cost an arm and a leg!

    We do, however, have the most delicious peaches here in SC!
