Thursday 22 May 2014

More on Scottish Independence.


I have always thought of Scotland as an important and integral part of the UK. True, I've not held it in the same high regard as either England or Wales, but nor had it been tarred with the same brush as Northern Ireland.

All this changed in 1986 and, of all things, it concerned  football; a game of little interest to me.

The Soccer World Cup was being fought-over in Mexico, and on June 22nd England was to play against Argentina.

I just happened to watch that morning's TV sports news which came from Edinburgh, and locals were being quizzed about who they would support (NOT who did they predict would win) in the day's England/Argentina game. Every single person interviewed replied 'Argentina'.

I remember being both stunned and disgusted by their lack of patriotism, and I realised at once that my rose-tinted view of Scotland and the Scots was certainly not being reciprocated. My attitude towards them changed in an instant..... and has not altered since!

To any Scots reading this; please, please, vote YES in September's referendum.

p.s. The Argies beat England by 2 goals to 1 (one of which was scored by 'The Hand of God', via the hand of Maradona). The Argies went on to win the cup by 3-2 against West Germany.

p.p.s. If Scotland ever get to meet North Korea in any sport, on any sports field, anywhere; guess who I'll be supporting?


  1. I get your point but if they do vote that way I think they'll be very sorry in the future.

  2. The auld enemy. No Scotsman is ever going to support the English in a football match, whatever. He would sooner die first.

  3. My Mothers English and my Fathers Scottish, I wonder why they divorced? lol

  4. It is of course possible that the 'powers that be' in the media manipulated the responses that were broadcast ... then again -- .probably not ... I would hate to see them go -- it would really bugger up the Union Jack!

    1. Perhaps it would revive the St George's cross flag.

  5. I believe that all small nations have the right to govern themselves. Let us remember that it was James VI of Scotland who acceded the English throne to become James 1 of England. It is only right that the Scots would want their sovereignty back.

    1. Quite right, and I shall expect N Ireland to do the same.

  6. Don't get involved, Cro. You are far enough away already.

  7. We in the Republic of Ireland would dearly love to be a whole country once again Cro and look forward to your support.

  8. Here in India, we hear of some Muslims who cheer for Pakistan in India-Pakistan cricket matches. But neither we want them to leave or have another country, nor do they do it in an overt fashion. We consider them our brothers and hope they think the same for us.

  9. If they vote yes shall we have to have a passport to cross the border?? We went to Kelso last week and were chatting to various people in a restaurant and nobody there intended to vote yes - but that is in the borders - I think your remarks maybe represent a bit further North.
