Tuesday 20 May 2014

As you were!

The Eagle has landed, and my sigh of relief could be heard as far away as Paris in the North, to Cannes in the South.

I have drawn up a list of tasks for her. Dog walking, dog walking, and more dog walking. This will give me a little extra time for catching up with all my own tasks that have been on hold for the last 6 weeks.

Welcome home Lady M.


  1. I'm glad she's home safe, I hope she gets a cuppa before she takes the dogs out x

    1. I do the first walk of the day (any minute), she can do the others. I expect she'll get her cuppa.

  2. Hurrah! Dog walking is such a time-consuming, but pleasurable occupation. Your fitness levels must be sky high after six weeks of double duty.

  3. Welcome home indeed. Glad she's back safe and sound.

  4. Now you have to start behaving yourself again!

  5. Nice to have dog walking in the morning or evening!

  6. Lady M has been busy what with all the events in your family's lives these past six weeks. Being at home and doing mundane things like walking the dogs is probably just what she needs after her exciting time away.

    1. That's exactly what SHE said too; she was looking forward to being in one place and doing nothing (almost).

  7. Lady M. I'd sure like to see more pics of the lovely Missus who must put up with the likes of you. :) Glad she home safe and sound. Walk on.

  8. Welcome home Lady M. Back to babysitting Cro ;o)

  9. I'll bet she's happy to be home and happy to see you, Cro! Cook the lady a nice meal! :)

  10. Not so much a case of 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'then - more a case of 'thank goodness you are home to help with the chores'!

  11. Lady M is back and lots of changes to see and enjoy and the summer has come too.

    1. She was amazed by Haddock's. When she left it was bare, and now it's flourishing.

  12. You seem really bored of the walking routine. Good for you, and good for Lady M. Make sure you let her rest for a few days before she starts the grueling routine :-)

    1. Actually I love walking the dogs, but 3 or 4 times a day cuts into my normal work routine.

    2. With all respect, walking the dogs 3 or 4 times a day is 2 or 3 times too onerous, for me.

      I just wouldn't have the time for that though my girl would love it - and would love to move to France and live with you (she's packing her bag as I type). I'll miss her dreadfully.

      You are a very responsible and caring animal owner, Cro.
