Saturday 26 April 2014

Wood; 2016?

Call me impetuous, but I've just bought this big pile of split, metre length, Chestnut.

I don't know how much there is of it, nor do I know how much it will cost me. What I do know is that my friends José and his daughter Laurence will charge me the 'correct' price, deliver it, and stack it beautifully.

It's pretty dry already, but if I give it another two years, it'll be perfect. I have enough of both Oak and Chestnut to see me through the next two years, so this new load will simply be in reserve. God, that makes me feel good.

Oh how blessed I am with certain of my neighbours. What WOULD I do without them!


  1. There is nothing quite like a good stack of firewood. Just started lighting fires here. Still warm during the day but a bit chilly at night and early morning.

  2. That's a wonderful sight. There is something so satisfying about having a full log store and knowing that, come what may, you will be warm. Great neighbours.

  3. Good neighbors are the best. I'm afraid we may have just lost a good one. :(

    A retired widow lives across the street from us, and she's super nice. On Easter morning she went to an early church service, and got home to find her front door kicked in, her house ransacked, and some items stolen. None of us who live nearby saw a thing. Creeps.

    Now the lady has been staying elsewhere with one of her adult daughters. I suppose she's afraid to come back home. I don't blame her at all, but it makes me sad.

    1. This makes me mad! These bloody people have no idea what psychological damage they do to people. Losing precious possessions is bad enough, but feeling unsafe in your own home is far worse.

  4. That's a mighty fine stack you have there.

  5. Always wanted a place with real fires, something primitive yet reassuring about them. Good to have such neighbours Cro.

  6. Well that's a first
    Cro showing everyone his wood!

  7. I am jealous. Accumulating firewood is one of the few things in life that I take seriously.

    1. Me too. John wishes he had more real fires and less chickens.

  8. There is something strangely beautiful about logs. A mixture of awe of how they are stacked and envy that you didn't have to stack it.

    Our logs come in a huge bag like gravel. They use the crane on the truck and dump it over the wall. and off they speed

  9. Always good to be prepared.

  10. Can't we have a picture of Laurence, getting a bit sweaty as she off-loads it?

    1. I'm going to report you to her father!

    2. Tell him I'll chain-saw off his other leg if he tries anything.

  11. Due to a winter from hell, wood is in abundance here. An ice storm brought down many old and young trees. I lost four Cherry's and a good part of my beloved Willow. There are no Chestnuts here as they are very rare due to a blight that hit them in the early and middle 20th century.

  12. what joy to see such a lovely stack of wood drying for the winter...great Cro...

  13. Yes - I am calling you impetuous Cro - but I do agree, who could possibly resist such a tempting pile?

  14. A pile of wood. Who doesn't get excited at a pile of wood. Irresistible!
