Friday 25 April 2014

And it's all FREE; well, almost.

Aren't these bloody machines bloody wonderful.

I don't use my laptop for buying stuff; I leave that to Lady Magnon. In fact everything I do use it for is completely free.

Blogging is free; amazing.

Email is free; even more amazing.

Skype is free; occasionally that's pretty amazing too.

Google is free, Spotify is free, YouTube is free, Picasa 3 is free, Facebook is free, my daily weather forecast is free, the online newspaper I read is free, Wiki is free, and goodness knows how many other things are free too.

OK, I have to pay a paltry €29 a month to receive all these freebies; but what the hell.

And amazingly most of these companies manage to make millions, if not billions.

As Frank Capra said; 'it's a wonderful life'.....It sure is!


  1. The best things in life are free. (My laptop is identical to yours!)

    1. This my new one (E1-572P), it's wonderful, apart from the space bar which occasionally sticks, making some very long words which need to be separated!

  2. Of course it's not free of advertisements but I hope we're immune by now. It is clearly more than affordable --if not free-- to those of us who wish to spend our retirements in the company of good minds, yours definitely included.

    1. They can all advertise as much as they like; I totally ignore them.

  3. Yes, all free, how did we manage without it?

  4. You're right - I think we are so used to it now that we are beginning to take it for granted. I couldn't have imagined when I was younger ever being able to communicate with people all over the world thanks to blogging - yes, truly amazing.

  5. An amazing addition to our lives for sure.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Mmmm I wouldn't have conversed with such a wide and diverse selection of goodly folk if not for this 'free' stuff...yourself included my man,,,,ah well can't have everything..
    Can't believe it took three attempts to write this bloody comment

  9. And just think, you met me all for free!

  10. It really is amazing, isn't it. It boggles the mind.

  11. There is a price to pay for everything. Google has so much information on us, that the Government even pays them for what they have collected. I sometimes fear as to where this will all lead.

    1. Personally I have absolutely nothing to hide from anyone; so they can collect-away ad infinitum (about me, I mean!).

    2. I feel exactly the same, Cro.

      Oh and my computer is an Acer, but the one that is only 9.5" wide! I get confused typing on larger computers now!

  12. Couldn't live without it !

  13. I also use only free things and apps on my laptop and phone. But if I can use a lot of different kinds of apps for free why I should spend money to some other apps which aren't free...? Okay, yes some of those apps which aren't free can be "better" or have more possibilities to do stuff, but anyway!

  14. As the song goes, "Nothing is ever for free and you just have to pay for it sometime". Everywhere you go, everything you see and all that you type is stored, sorted, quantified and charted by algorithms in some mainframe somewhere in area 57 and can and will be used against you one day. ;-)

    1. I learned recently that even comments that you delete, then re-write, is stored somewhere. Good luck to them. I really hope that someone somewhere enjoys reading all mine.

    2. The funny thing is that I was looking at some details on spare parts for some windows I needed to repair, and now I keep getting popups for vinyl replacement windows. Same thing with a 1974 motorbike. Now I am getting adverts on website sidebars for the latest crotch rocket I could care less about.

    3. I had that with a Robotic Pool Cleaner..... they stopped eventually.

  15. what?...all those comments still floating around in the exciting Cro!!!

  16. Agreed. I don't post anything that i don't wish to see misquoted and showing up somplace else, and as some of my comments can be quite silly, well, that's a waste of server space for someone.

  17. Spotify is Free?

    And blogging too, sooner or later they make you pay something, as I understand from people who’ve had notice from Blogger after five years or so.

    Still, so far so good.

    1. My Spotify was always free, then they stopped it, but now it's back free again.... but you only have so many 'plays' of each record.
