Sunday 27 April 2014

Barn Roof.

We're having a new tiled roof put on the barn; the old one was nasty corrugated bucolic stuff, OK for keeping the rain off tobacco or pigs, but not aesthetic for a 'home'.

Roofing is never cheap whatever country you live in, so choosing the right people for the job is of paramount importance. 'Cowboys' need not apply!

My friend 'St Theresa of the Floral Tribute' had recently used the guy we've engaged (Monsieur F), so he came well recommended.

The 3 man team have only worked for one day so far, and already they have stripped the whole south side, fixed new chevrons (the yellowy bits that go from top to bottom), and wisely covered everything with an impervious layer of reinforced-plastic before leaving for the weekend. The heavens opened 30 mins after they'd gone.

The roof will look very new when finished, but it will be good for at least the next 100 years. After much deliberation we decided to use mécanique tiles; these are interlocking clay tiles that mellow quite well, but it might take quite a while. In our area, inappropriate tiles stand out like nasal carbuncles; hopefully ours will not. 


  1. I should have mentioned above that there are 160 sq metres of roof. It's big!

  2. It will be amazing when it's finished, I need some corrugated roofing for my allotment shed but i think your a little too far away lol.

    1. I shall need some for covering my wood piles, but do come by with a van!

  3. Do I take it you're converting this into a residential property my man?

    1. Yes, about 3/4 of it. The remaining 1/4 will remain as barn. It's for my youngest son who is at present living in Oz.

  4. Money spent on a good roof is always a good investment. It'll look good when it's done.

  5. It will look great when finished. How soon is W planning on returning to France?

  6. Nice barn. I note from the photograph that you do not always have clear, blue skies down there.

    1. I always say that if you want to know what the weather's like somewhere, look at the countryside. Nice and GREEN here.

  7. I love your simile for those tiles!

  8. That is one huge mother of a barn - should convert nicely to a dwelling - the tiles are going to look the business.

  9. We had a new roof on our Victorian house this time last year. I was very reluctant as I hate replacing the original features but, it had to be done and ………. it looks wonderful ….. terracotta tiles that look old and the original, pretty,ridge tiles. …. and now, tiles won't fall off in gales and the snow won't drift in anymore !! ….. it never leaked though !!
    Your barn is going to look wonderful … lucky youngest son and lucky both of you for having him close to you. XXXX

  10. Wow, that's a big job! I'm sure it will look beautiful when completed.
    Would love to know how 'Bunny' is doing. :)

    1. Bunny doing very well. Lady Magnon spent the evening with him last night in Mullumbimby (Oz), and said he was 'perfect'.

  11. I do hope you provide a side-by-side before and after photo montage, so we can ooh and aah appropriately.

    1. I shall definitely show a 'finished' picture.

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