Thursday 24 April 2014

Veggie Wednesday 8: Spicy Roast Cauliflower.

                                    Spicy Whole Roasted Cauliflower

When I first saw this recipe, I just had to make it. It satisfies my love of both Cauliflower and Curry in one easy step.

In a small bowl mix together 1 tablespoon oil, 1 small pot plain yoghurt, the fine zest and juice of a lime, 1 teaspoon of chilli powder, 1 teaspoon of cumin, 1 crushed clove of garlic,1 teaspoon of curry powder, 2 teaspoons sea salt, and 1 teaspoon of black pepper.

Spread the mix liberally over the upper part of a whole, de-leafed, cauliflower, and roast in the oven for about 35 minutes.

With Lady Magnon away, I shall be eating this for the next few days; but I have no problem with that.

I must admit that the above photo is NOT of the one I made (I wouldn't have those public lavatory style tiles in my kitchen, would I). I was so enthralled by the finished product that I forgot to photograph my version, and by the time I'd remembered, it was all a bit of a mess. However, it did start off looking like the above; but maybe a bit more orange in colour.

It was eaten with a simple leaf salad, and the obligatory glass of rouge. Yum.

This is my final 'Veggie Wednesday' posting. My own Veggie Wednesday regime will continue, and I'll now return to No 1. I'll probably go through the 8 recipes in turn; although some have been prefered to others.


  1. I like a vegetable curry with cauliflower and i think i would stick to doing it like a curry. This cauli looks like it missed the middle and you have to lick the outside to get the curry bit.

    1. It was a bit like that, but even the inside had a whiff of the Punjab about it.

  2. I almost had a fit of the vapours - it looks rather like a brain. I'll bet it tastes good, though. We are down to our final cauliflower, perhaps this recipe would be a good way to celebrate what has been a marvellous crop.
    Thanks for doing this series. It has been fun.

    1. I'm just about to plant mine. Last year they were wonderful. My last night's one was shop bought.

  3. as you know, we are massive roast cauli fans. I like it cut up, so you get the almost caramelised bits, where the sections have sat in the pan.
    We usually use Cajun seasoning, but I shall try this, as we love curry.

  4. Looks great, I will give that a try as I love Cauliflower and curry, I will also try Kath's version cut up with Cajun seasoning - I never knew you could roast cauliflower until this very moment!

    1. I'm new to the idea too. I think it was Kath (above) who first encouraged me to roast them..

  5. I like cauliflower every which way - with cheese sauce is a current favourite - although your way doesn't look particularly inviting I expect it tastes pretty darn good.

  6. Yummy! I will try this, but would cut it up so as to get curry flavour on more of it!

  7. " A whiff of the Punjab" ha ha .
    I don't really like cauliflower, which makes me weird I know. I can just about eat it if it is covered in cheese sauce. That said I have cauli plants ready to go in the garden as the family love it.

  8. I've never seen a cauli cooked like that before, it looks wonderful.

  9. that looks delicious. I love curry flavours.

  10. I like the look of that Cro. I am going to try one of Denise Nesbitt's recipes for lunch today (Mrs Nesbitt's Space) - looking at your veggie recipes I think I might go through all eight too.

  11. I think it looks spectacular! I can just imagine carrying it in all its glory on a platter to the table, like a strangely shaped pudding. I have to try it! I love cauliflower in all its many manifestations. I particularly like it roasted.

  12. Yum!
    And I'm planning on putting those tiles (subway tiles) in my kitchen. I think they're cool.

    1. DON'T; it'll look like a public bog!

    2. hahaa, okay okay! Maybe I'll just put them in the bathroom- but I do think they're cool.

  13. Cauliflower is a veggie that I did not try till mid-life but now I love it and serve it in many ways. This recipe intrigues me and I will definitely try it.

  14. Now that looks delicious!! I will be trying this. I made a meatless meal on Tuesday and when my husband got his plate he said "where's the meat?" :)

    1. He sounds like me, but then I often end up saying that meat would have been superfluous.

  15. Damn it Cro I might be tempted to try this one!!!

  16. In a curry less society of the USA, unless you count Indian Restuarants, I'm going to try this, sounds good.
