Sunday 1 December 2013

Then just add the booze...

Lady Magnon's been at the Armagnac again.

It's almost mince pie season, so she's been busy knocking-up her annual supply of mincemeat.

I've posted this traditional recipe before, but here it is again. Lady M always adds plenty of Armagnac (instead of the brandy), and a few chopped prunes, but otherwise she follows the recipe reasonably faithfully; and it's very good.

And don't forget to stir the mix clockwise when making your wish. It's supposed to be lucky.

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  1. We're eating leftover pecan pies at my house right now. :)

  2. Strawberries for dessert here.
    Rats. I didn't know about the clockwise thing. Now a lot of years have an explanation.

    1. And I expect you forgot to say "White rabbit, white rabbit" this morning as well!

  3. Thanks for that.....will give it a go this week

  4. Radiation New World Cookery Book!

    Who was the author, Robert Oppenheimer?

    1. I think it came with a cooker called 'Radiation'.

  5. We'll have to try Lady Magnon's recipe this year...I like her addition!

  6. Just popped my head round the door to tell you that I tried your soda bread this morning and the result is good.
    If I make it again I shall try it without the herbs so that we can have it toasted for breakfast with honey or marmalade.
    We had it for tea this afternoon with a chunk of cheddar. Thanks for the idea. Have pointed folk to your blog for the recipe.

    1. I was going to try making it with chopped Chorizo, or maybe Cumin seeds, but neither of those would go too well with Marmalade,

  7. Hmmm, I haven't made mincemeat for a few years. Need to get on it. That recipe looks great!

  8. I haven't made mincemeat and recall wanting to try after reading your recipe last year. I did make a bacon roly-poly this week, though.
