Saturday 30 November 2013

Local Walnut Oil.

I've mentioned in the past that I drink a spoonful of walnut oil every morning; well yesterday I ran out.

So you can imagine how pleased I was to discover that my very own village has its very own producer of walnut oil; and only a couple of kilometres away from my front door. I've lived here for 42 years, and didn't know!

I popped down to see Madame Branche yesterday afternoon, and purchased the above.

The farm was very typical of most local homes. A mixed array of ramshackle buildings, liberally spread around an ancient farmhouse. I heard radio music coming from inside a barn, so knocked on the door. Inside were two jolly ladies sorting walnut halves on a home-made conveyor belt.

I chatted for a while, paid 'regally' for my small bottle of oil (well it is all Bio, home produced, and delicious), and spent a wee while talking about their little enterprise. 

It's amazing what you can find in your own backyard; if you know where to look!

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  1. Do you take the oil straight or do you add it to food?

    1. Straight from the bottle. A teaspoonful each morning; two if I'm feeling mischievous!

    2. I'm smiling at the thought of your way of making mischief.

  2. Oh yum, lucky you, so very good for you and so delicious. I wish there was a source of good walnut oil around here, not the imported stuff which is so stale by the time it gets here.

  3. Love stories like this. Good on them !!

  4. The walnut farm sounds like a rural idyll with its ancient ramshackle buildings.

    1. Our local farmers always like to appear destitute; unlike UK farmers who like to appear affluent. Both probably have similar incomes per hectare.

  5. The added flavour of Walnut oil drizzled on salad or rice makes for healthy eating and supplies omega 3 to the body.

  6. This makes me so envious Cro - we had a good crop of walnuts here in North Yorkshire, we dried them on the window sill in the sun and now find that they are all absolutely empty. Presumably we are too far North. Shall try pickling them next year before they have had a chance to dry out. Shall now try buying some to drizzle on new potatoes.
    Intend to try your herb bread in the morning.

  7. A tea spoon of walnut oil? Wouldn't it be easier to munch through a handful of local walnuts a day, beasties and all for the extra protein?

    1. I do both! About 8 nuts per day, and a spoon of oil!

  8. Isn't it great to find that your own back yard has the good oil as much as the big wide world. Mmm I can almost taste your find. But make sure you make that visit across the channel soon :-)

  9. P.s. it is probably worth the extra $ to know the people who are squeezing your nuts.

    1. Now, why didn't I think of that. Thank you!
