Monday 2 December 2013



The trouble with dieting, as most people know, is that it's not easy to lose the weight, but oh so bloody easy to put it back on again.

I have been following the 5:2 fast diet for a while and had lost about a stone in weight (14 lbs, 6.35 kgs). But a few days of winter excess, plus a couple of restaurant visits, and half of it has gone back on again. Maybe I was feeling over smug with myself.

More determination and will-power is required as we build-up to Christmas, otherwise I can see myself having to make some stupid new year's resolution; and that wouldn't do!.


  1. Oh how I feel your pain. At 40 I was going to be thin. Lost tons gained back 1/2 a ton. At 50 was going to get thin lost 50 gained back 25. Now nearing 55 I think "oh for Gods sake just sew my mouth shut" I'm gathering up the large sized needles right now. Better luck to you!

  2. I tried the 5:2 diet. Didn't work for me, I am too partial to red wine! The only way I will lose weight is to stop drinking and that aint gonna happen any time soon! Oh well!!!

    Jo in Auckland NZ

    1. I must admit that that's my 'problem' too. I refuse to give-up the good things in life.

  3. I can't tell your feet have gained any weight!

  4. Diets tend to start with a mad rush of enthusiasm which sadly seems to evaporate at the first temptation.

  5. it's not easy to lose the weight, but oh so bloody easy to put it back on again

    Ain't that the truth...

  6. Anything to do with Lady Magnon being away? I read in the newspaper the other day ( so it must be true!!) that wine doesn't make you put weight on.

  7. Better go easy on those mince pies...

  8. Ah, the eternal struggle!
    We are programmed as human beings to stock up and store food, mostly around our middles. Fighting it requires such a super human feat of will and determination. I'm not sure I could cope with the 5:2 diet and am almost too scared to try for fear of failure.

    Having said that, I did really well on the Harcombe diet, which tackles food cravings rather than just reducing calories. It might be worth looking at the website to see what you think.

  9. The only way I could lose 10 or 12 pounds of ugly fat would be to cut my head off.

    1. That's better than the old joke of 'The only way I could be rid of 12 stones of ugly fat, would be to divorce my wife'.

    2. Crikey, that's a skinny wife!

  10. If only I could move more...sigh

  11. My brother posted on Facebook after Thanksgiving, "Only gained 2 pounds - a new record!"
