Saturday 26 October 2013


I'm back working on the barn again. For the moment I'm just doing some outdoor work; taking advantage of our beautiful warm autumn sunshine.

I've been right at the top of a very long 3 piece ladder, painting exterior wood cladding with a type of modern odourless creosote. I can't say that I have a pathological fear of heights, but nor do I enjoy them. I grit my teeth, think of what a wonderful life I've enjoyed so far, and throw caution to the winds. Luckily no mishaps so far.

The day's set task was finished by early afternoon, so I did a spot of my own painting then settled down with a glass of wine to admire the view. It's a view that never fails to intrigue me, which is probably why I so often post pictures of it. The photo was actually taken from inside our kitchen; from the table where I take breakfast.

Lady Magnon had gone on one of her regular long dog-walking afternoons with a few of her chums and their various/numerous pooches, so I was allowed to be as busy or lazy as I chose. 

A fulfilling day, only disturbed by the sound of one or two crisp leaves falling from the vines.

Bloody marvellous.

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  1. It's nearly midnight here and I should be in bed but no. I see the opportunity to be the first responder on todays post so I must.

    Love your view too.

    There, that's all I've got. Night, Cro.

  2. That autumn sunshine does look good. Still waiting for rain here. Mind you, it is a long weekend so the sun is very welcome but it would be good not having to water the garden.

  3. Wonderful view and sunshine. (We've been back in Blighty for 2 weeks now and missing it already!)

    1. It's been beautiful recently Sue, and all the storm warnings have been in vain. More warnings for this weekend, but we'll see!

  4. Staring out of the window - a favourite occupation of mine - even more so with a view like yours.

    1. At the moment my breakfast is usually taken whilst it's still dark, but we do eat there at lunchtime too, which is always a pleasure.

  5. There's nothing like a beautiful view ..... made even better when partaking in a glass of wine ..... I can see why you live where you do. We cannot boast vistas where we live but, considering we live just outside of the suburbs of London, we have trees galore, the church spire and the peeling of the bells to enjoy and much birdsong. XXXX

  6. I use old tractor engine oil to preserve my barn and outbuilding timbers.

    1. My neighbour recently gave me about 100 litres of sump oil. Not quite sure what I'm going to do with it now. The expensive 'special' stuff seems to have been enough for my needs.

  7. Bloody marvellous, indeed! You be careful 'up there', Cro!

  8. you shouldn't be allowed all that sunshine while it is all cloudy and drizzly here!

    1. We were threatened with storms all day today. In fact it's been a beautiful day since first light.

  9. We need to see some pictures of the barn in its various stages.

    1. Nothing much (visually) has changed yet. The septic tank has been installed, the concrete floor laid, and some of the outside boards have been blackened. Progress is slow; pockets have holes.

  10. Sunshine like that at the end of October, when Delores woke up to wet snow - not fair. Our weather's been quite good here today too - a bit windy, but the sun came out and it's been mild. Love the view from your kitchen window.

  11. It is a nice view. I have to admit to not being afraid of hights at all but I still don't like working off a high ladder. I lock up a little bit and that seems to make everything harder!

    1. When I'm high up, there's always a tension that makes me not only wary, but also much slower about every movement.

  12. Beautiful view. I don't mind heights but i don't like having to rely on my sense of balance to keep me safe. So, i take it very slowly and deliberately when i'm aloft.
