Sunday 27 October 2013

Your Sunday Crumpet.


There are certain delights in England that become 'taken for granted', 'overlooked', or even 'ignored'.

The humble Pork Pie, the beautiful Battenburg Cake, or (heaven forbid) the wonderful Crumpet.

I've never attempted to make Crumpets, but why should I. They come ready made at the supermarket, and would be hard to better.

Popped into the toaster (or even better, toasted by the fire), liberally coated with butter, and eaten accompanied by a cup of Lapsang, little could come close to the sensation of 'English' well-being than that offered by a simple Crumpet.

When did you last have one? Have a good Sunday.


  1. Yesterday breakfast in fact, with various toppings, although my twelve year old's choice of "Fluff" (marshmallow in a jar) is not my idea of heaven. I stick to raspberry jam. Each to their own I suppose!

  2. They are a dietary indulgence ~ if I see them on special I will grab some ~ lashings of butter and honey, though a blackberry jam or heaven forbid vegemite :) taste just as good. It must be all that nutritional value in the crumpet and butter that do the trick.

    1. I happen to know that Vegimite on Crumpets is BANNED in Oz (as elsewhere).

  3. Haven't had one since going "gluten free" but they have to be served with golden syrup.

  4. Not for many months, sadly.
    In this house they are eaten with butter and marmalade (him) or my home-made damson jam (me).
    Now I have seen your picture I feel compelled to pop to the Spa shop and get some in for tea. Perfect for the first of the "long, dark nights".
    Are they available at all in France, on the "English shelf" perhaps? If not, there could be a real market for them, with good profits, judging by the price of baked beans and Fray Bentos pies in Intermarché !!

    1. I actually bought a Fray Bentos Snake and Midget Pie. I'm now waiting for Lady Magnon to go on one her grandson-sitting trips before I bring it out. I loved them when I was a student.

      I haven't looked for Crumpets... maybe they are there too; that would be wonderful.

  5. I have got a pack of 6 in the kitchen ready for " tea" this evening. Last week I had mine with butter and smoked mackerel pate. I also like them with marmite, or a fried egg......yolk soaked into the crumpet, and sea salt on top.

    1. I believe they make a very good Egg Benedict.

  6. the bakery in our town sells them freshly baked. I never fancy them as I don't like butter. What I do like is an onion bagel :-)

    1. Kath, try crumpets with cream cheese, one of the onion and herb flavoured ones.......delish !!

  7. Oh now you've made me want crumpets, I'll have to nip into the shops on the way home this evening and have some with a cup of tea.

  8. Ok, the other day I made you hawk bits of carrot over your keyboard. Now you have just made me salivate all over mine!

    I am sure I have the recipe in one of my old books. I'm going to have to knock some up.

    The other thing I really liked with lashings of butter were Welsh Cakes but I cannot get Arrowroot here and that makes all the difference.

    1. Lady M makes wonderful Welsh Cakes, but not with Arrowroot.

    2. If you say Lady M's Welsh Cakes are wonderful without arrowroot, them Lady M's Welsh Cakes are wonderful, Basta! I really would like the recipe. Is there any chance you could persuade Lady M to perform in front of your camera and be posted on your blog?

  9. You can't beat a crumpet but, I'm a bit of a purest and think they are best with just butter ..... I also love an English muffin ..... I am quite suprised that Tom hasn't commented on this one !!!!!
    Like Gladys, I'm desperate for one now ! XXXX

    1. I have to agree Jacqueline; just plain butter. All this cheese, Marmite, and jam, just ain't right!

  10. We call them English muffins and the best are made by Arnold's. I prefer them with jam or fruit preserves but also love them covered with butter. Now that you have me thinking about them, I am hungry and wish I had a package of them in my pantry.

    1. Actually, crumpets are quite different from English muffins -- both in texture and in taste. The first time I had a crumpet, I was strangely reminded of American pancakes -- though the texture is completely different. I prefer English muffins and have one every day for breakfast. Crumpets are perfect for tea!

  11. We have crumpets every sunday. we buy them and freeze them. but make sure you defrost them properly, else they don't cook properly.

    I like to cook them a lot longer than other people, so it goes crunchy on top and only lashings of butter. so it oozes out of the bottom.

    Oh yes. Yum

  12. Oh God. More food porn. A crumpet just ain't a crumpet unless you have butter running down your arms. I have a packet in the cupboard but am resisting!

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