Friday 25 October 2013

No, Not Bok.

Black coat, nice pink tongue, and two white gloves; he looks the spitting image of our Bok (albeit thinner).

In fact this is Iggy Pup, the new-boy on the block. He lives about 500 metres away, and has immediately befriended the boys.

Our house seems to have been a magnet for other people's dogs over the years; some nice, some dreadful. One, a big beast called Solo (need I say who's dog he was!!) was a vicious bastard. We'd often have to lock the children and ourselves in the house until he'd gone for fear of being savaged. He used to wear a big black muzzle, but this didn't stop his aggression. He was a nightmare!

Luckily most have been very pleasant. We never feed them, nor do we make a fuss of them; they just turn up, play a while with our two, then go.

This present visitor (in fact there are 2 other new visitors as well) is a nice dog. He plays with Monty just as Bok used to do when they were both pups themselves.

Nowadays we have to look quite closely at Bok and Iggy Pup to know which is which. 

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  1. Do you do anything special to keep your dogs from wandering off or forming a pack with the visitor dogs? My biggest concern in getting a dog is that he will join the pack that occasionally visits and those dogs I would kill with my bare hands if I could get my hands on them. Every time they come by here they terrorize my cat and would kill him if Leo weren't clever enough to get away from them. They did kill some of my guineas.

    1. Both the boys have 'had the snip', so this probably helps with the wandering-off. The visiting dogs are just play-friends and not really involved in pack hunting or gang warfare. Only time will tell.

  2. Is your home built on the site of an ancient aboriginal bacon cemetery perhaps?

  3. I have never heard of dogs just being allowed to wander where they will - not since my childhood anyway.

    1. It's all rather relaxed here; especially if the dogs are good-natured.

  4. the visitors obviously feel at ease around your home, I like that.

  5. Play dates for the cute.

  6. How nice that good dogs can just roam around. How horrible that vicious dogs can roam around. It is not something that happens around here anymore. Dogs that are loose are soon picked up and taken to the pound. I do remember a time though when people and dogs had more freedoms.

  7. The trouble is Cro that dogs sense who likes them and who does not.

  8. He is a ringer for Bok. You sure the 'snip' worked?

  9. Life would not be the same without our dogs

  10. Dogs know where the good places are to go and play. I'm sure Monty and Bok are affable hosts.

  11. Not feeding them is good I wish I had known that when my teens were still at home. Alas I fed them pizza and they gathered at the back door every evening for years. There is still one out there now and its been 15 years since our daughter left home.
