Saturday 28 September 2013

Goodbye Pool!

Stormy weather is forecast, so, whilst it's warm and fine, we decided to close down the pool for winter.

It's something we hate doing, as it means waiting at least another 8 months before we open up again. 

And THIS is what I now have to look out on through the East facing studio window; not a pleasant sight, compared to the top picture.

When we opened up this year, the water was bright green; I suspect this was due to light having passed through the rather thin tarpaulin I used. So this year I've replaced it with a large piece of strong black plastic, which, I'm hoping, will assure that the water stays sparkling bright.

It's been an exceptional swimming season, and I'll miss my 300 metres a day. Roll on June 2014!
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  1. Oh, how sad...the official farewell to summer.

  2. I presume the "weights" once contained wine and presume a good time was had in emptying them of their original contents.

  3. Oh no, end of Summer. In my experience pools go green through lack of circulation, but I am no expert.

    1. As usual, before closing, it's been well dosed with Chlorine, so it shouldn't turn colour. I'm hoping the total absence of light will do the job; I'll let you know next June.

  4. Still not too shabby a view Cro.... from someone who would love a pool of their own....roll on next summer eh?

  5. You're just so lucky to have the weather for a pool Cro ..... not really worth it in the UK !!!! I love swimming so am a little envious of your pool and it must be rotten when it gets its Winter coat on !Still, there are mushrooms and comfort food and roaring fires to look forward to. XXXX

  6. I am suddenly reminded of an incident that happened 30 years ago, when a girl we knew took her pony round to a friends house. The pool cover was green, the pony stepped onto it and went through. The fire fighter dived under its belly to get a rope round it. It was the middle of winter. He was the hero of the day and I still remember his name.

    1. I've heard of cows getting into pools here. More cows than horses I presume.

  7. As sad as it is to say good bye to summer and putting the pool to bed for the year, it is good to get the job done. Next on the list is the garden.

  8. Oh that is a sad sight. This summer went way too fast.

  9. The green stuff is algae and definitely caused by light.

    I envy you Cro, your pool looks fantastic! In the summer, I mean :)

  10. I feel your pain... it's sad to put the pool away. And wasn't it a fantastic summer? sigh...

  11. I didn't realize it got so cool there. On the prairies not too many outdoor pools but many have indoor pools.... Our warmer seasons are only 3 months long....The view of the tree line is very pretty, just set your eyes on that when you look that way. :)
