Sunday 29 September 2013

A name; a voice.


This gentleman, above, has one of the most recognisable voices on the UK's BBC Radio, and his name is known to millions. But given the above photo, almost no-one would know who he was.

I suppose that's the beauty of radio; one hears a voice, and imagines the rest.

When I was small my parents didn't have TV. On winter evenings (I don't think we listened in summer) we would gather around the fire and listen to the radio. And, exceptionally, on Sunday lunchtimes we would also listen to '2 way family favourites' and 'The Archie Andrews show'. I loved that radio.

Nowadays I listen at night. As an insomniac, I stick a thingy in my ear, and listen to BBC Radio 4 extra, and the BBC's World Service without disturbing Lady Magnon (who sleeps like a proverbial log).

If you're still wondering about the gentleman above, it's the velvet-voiced Brian Perkins; a New Zealander, who devoted 40 years of his life to BBC news-reading. He's now retired, and much missed.


  1. This must be a man thing. There you are over in France with earplugs in listening to the wireless all night, and my mister is here in Blighty with earplugs in listening to the wireless all night......which to me means that neither of you ever really both need some rest.

  2. Bob Danvers-Walker was the voice of everything in the 50s and 60s.

    1. I remember him on TV's 'Take your pick'. I also remember he was something of an Alan Whicker look-alike.

    2. A bit like Whicker, but about 2 feet shorter. He read the Pathe News in the cinema, and banged the gong in the Yes/No interlude, amongst other things.

  3. Sad

    What do you think of charlotte green reading the out all scores?

    1. I haven't actually heard her yet, but I understand that she's good. I was always a fan of James Alexander Gordon. Not sure what happened to him; retired I suppose!

  4. It is surprising what an impression a voice devoid of a face can make on us isn't it? In fact, sometimes seeing the person is a disappointment I find.

  5. I smell the Sunday dinner when I read this post, We also listened to these programmes. Don't get me going I can name so much that we used to listen to.

  6. So Cro did you ever make a crystal set ?

    1. I did indeed, Heron. I used to listen to Radio Luxembourg too.
