Friday 27 September 2013

All is safely gathered in.

As with so many other blogging gardeners, it's harvest time chez Cro.

I left it too late to buy my usual red onion sets this year, so grew these yellow jobs instead. They're OK, and have grown well, but I look forward to growing my usual variety in 2014.

I have several trays, like the above, of Bramley's in storage. We have followed advice this year, and picked them earlier than usual. We're assured that they keep better that way.

Even with our huge tree, fully laden, it was not easy finding apples that were bug-free; but that's the problem with being 'organic'. The horses are getting a bucket-full every day.

And here are the Butternuts. A wonderfully versatile vegetable that keeps well through till April (fingers crossed). Not a bad crop, as I only put in 6 plants.

Other than the above, we still have Cabbages, Sprouts, Chard, Carrots, Cavolo Nero, Broccoli, Tomatoes, Aubergines, and Peppers all doing well at Haddock's.

All being well, we should survive the winter.

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  1. My parents will be jealous of these onions. We don't have apples here, but a few hundred kilometers away in the Himalayas.

    First time I have seen something called a 'butternut'. 23 years and not once.

    1. The 'Butternut' is the very best of the Squash, Pumpkin, Marrow, family of vegs. Well worth growing (provided you can get the seeds).

  2. There is something very satisfying about 'harvest' time. Not much left in our potager now - the tomatoes have completely gone over. Peppers and chillis are magnificent this year, and we are still cropping French beans and chard. Onions are all sacked up ready for their trip back to Blighty.

    1. I put my beans in too early, so none for quite a while. Lots of Chard here too; I love it.

  3. Cro, are you virtually self sufficient?

    I'm so envious of the crops you are harvesting. Even in the sunny South, my produce has been very ropey, this year. The Black Krim tomatoes are the stars of my harvest festival.


    1. I very rarely buy vegs. We either have them fresh in the garden, or bottled in reserve. I haven't grown potatoes for a while, so I DO buy those.

  4. It looks like you had a very successful summer and all that work paid off.

    1. Very successful apart from the Toms being so late to ripen.

  5. a good harvest there. i love this time of year -- inventory of all the hard work and dreams of winter meals to come. your onions look delicious.
