Saturday 6 July 2013

Friday Night Pasta.

Traditionally, in the Magnon household, Friday night is always Pasta night. I rustled this up last week, and as there are still plenty of mushrooms about, I'm doing it again tonight (last night).

Take two good handfuls of Girolles, a couple of slices of thick smoked bacon (sliced into lardons), and the usual salt pepper parsley garlic etc. Fry together in plenty of olive oil until reasonably well cooked. When the spaghetti is cooked, toss it into the pan with the mushrooms etc, and move around until well coated.

Serve with freshly grated Parmesan, and plenty of good red wine. . 

The simplist dishes are always the best.

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  1. I Love pasta with mushrooms and bacon! Nicely done, Cro!

  2. Pasta Puttanesca (Magnon style. I do something very similar when there is not much in the fridge. I have never seen mushrooms like those here in Oz though.

    1. The Girolles grow in profusion here during Spring, but one still has to be up early to be first in the woods!

  3. There but for the inclusion of the piggy-pieces!

    When I was a sprog, pasta was one of the odd foreign foods - English food was in by default, Chinese was in because of where we lived, Indian was in because of curries, but pasta remained the first last bastion of strangeness.

    Splendid mushrooms.

    1. Back in the early 70's, whilst I briefly lived in Shropshire, rice was regarded as exotic.

      At the end of each (upper) school term, a few of us would visit an Italian restaurant near Victoria Station, where we would eat spaghetti and drink Watney's Red Barrel. We became well known by the staff, who actually used to look forward to our thrice-yearly visits, and treated us like kings. So, I guess my introduction to all things pasta began aged 14-ish. I've never looked back!

  4. Funny how pasta has become everyone's favourite back in the late 60's I cooked a bolognese for the family and they viewed it with suspicion as it was foreign. You can't quite believe that now. I agree the simplest dishes are often the best.

  5. I'm all for simple in the kitchen, and it doesn't get much more delicious than that Cro.

  6. Pasta is such a wonderful and quick dish to make and always satisfies.

  7. Even though its not Red Wattle bacon I'm sure it's adequate...a meal for King Magnon for sure.

  8. Pasta was never on the menu when I was growing up either. Well, the Ausssie version of spag bol appeared occasionally but there was lots of sauce and not much pasta. It certainly has come into its own in the last 20 years or so but old habits die hard and though we enjoy it we eat it rarely in this house. Maybe 3 times a month max. Yours looks yummy.
