Friday 5 July 2013

Viva Lea & Perrins.

Two very similar bottles; one empty, one full.

One 'The original and genuine', the other 'Our original recipe'.

One made by Lea and Perrins, the other by Heinz.

One 'by appointment to Her Majesty the Queen', the other not (are we surprised?).

One is labelled Worcestershire Sauce, the other Worcester Sauce. 

One is pure delight, the other not.

So why, you're asking yourself, did Cro buy the Heinz version. Well my bloody supermarket ran out of Lea and Perrins, and I was forced (yes forced) to buy the inferior version.

For the next couple of weeks or so, my fried eggs on toast will not be the same. I shall try to enjoy them regardless, but I shall be anticipating my return to the real thing. It may take some time!

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  1. I'm with you on this one. I also the same about marmite vs other yeast extract and Hellman's vs other US mayonnaise (but there's also a french jar in the fridge).

    1. I'd go along with those two additions; especially the Marmite.

  2. Oh and just had another thought whilst making the first cuppa of the day. Being an Essex girl I'm out there championing Maldon Sea Salt. So much better than Cornish or that Noirmoutier nonsense I brought back from my French travels.

    1. When in the UK we always used Malden salt. Here, however, we use they grey Sel de Guerande.

      You're up very early, lovelygrey. Are you an insomniac, like me?

  3. Yorkshire vs Liptons teabags.

  4. I didn't know Heinz made one. I had Lea & Perrins on my eggs this morning.

  5. I suppose you know how it was invented? An army officer came back from India and decided to make an Indian-style relish. He made up a batch of stuff and when he tasted it, it was disgusting, so he left it alone in his cellar for about 5 years. It fermented, and the result was the famous sauce - so they say...

    1. I heard he died, then later someone discovered it in his cellar, etc etc. It's a good story even if it's not true.

  6. You are absolutely right! I made the mistake of buying some other brand, simply because it was on sale, and I had a coupon, which the store doubled. Great deal, right? Nope. I don't even know what brand it was now, because after trying it one time, I threw the rest of the bottle away. Back to Lea and Perrins. I don't care for "fake" butter, imitation chocolate, or cheap tasteless tea bags, so I don't know why I thought a "bargain" worcestershire sauce would be any different.

  7. Ditto Marmite versus supermarket "yeast extract" and Vegemite or whatever it is called. The former, food of the gods, the latter not fit to feed to the staff.

    I'd rather have a little of the decent stuff than a surfeit of the fakes.

  8. Oh, poor Cro. Sometimes life hands us Lea and Perrins and other times we get Heinzed.

  9. Appallingly bad show that supermarket! I'd be happy to send you an emergency bottle if you like. :)

    1. The French just don't understand the importance of such things!

  10. Worstershire sauce is a mandatory condiment for everything in the Cunningham household when I was growing up. We have a favourite brand called Newmans here in Oz that is sometimes out of stock too. The alternatives just don't cut the mustard (or is that sauce)
