Sunday 7 July 2013

Mystery Prezzie.

Our friends Craig and Carol visited us yesterday, and brought with them this small, but very elegant, bag. But, what can it be?

It contained two neatly rolled tubes, held together by a piece of Scotch tape (Sellotape).  Still no clue; two rolls of black bin-bags perhaps?

Oh my god it's not bin-bags, but two bottles of LEA & PERRINS. Some people know EXACTLY how to make you adore them.

Craig and Carol's lovely friends JOAN and JOHN MURRAY from the beautiful village of Urval had read about my Worcestershire Sauce dilemma, and, understanding the gravity of the situation, acted as swiftly as humanly possible.

My sincere thanks to them. This is a case of blog-world generosity taken to extremes; and (need I say) it was highly, highly, appreciated!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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  1. Now your eggs will taste better once again.

    1. I've just had fried tomatoes on toast, with PROPER Worcestershire sauce. Wonderful.

  2. I bet that made your taste buds sing with happiness.

  3. I feel bad now. I've got my own secret stash of Lea Perrins. Hang my head in shame.

    1. I've got a secret stash of Marmite (hidden at the back of the cupboard).

  4. The kindness of strangers is truly wonderful.

    1. Not really strangers, but I know what you mean.

  5. Love random acts of kindness :)

  6. Isn't it strange how we lust the most after what we can't get? A great gift indeed. A kitchen should never be without L&P. I just bought a bottle of their "tangy tomato" L&P. Haven't tried it yet but it sounds good.

    1. I've not come across 'Tangy Tomato'. It may be years before THAT crosses the channel.

  7. What a perfect gift! Now, that's what I call FRIENDS.

  8. Well Cro, I am about to have my horizons broadened! I have just come back from the supermarket, where I noticed Lea & Perrins on the shelf. I have never noticed it before, let alone tasted it, but because of your enthusiastic endorsement I have bought a bottle. I shall try it tonight with my grilled lamb chop.
