Thursday 20 June 2013



It's possible that you have, unwittingly, seen me in various films; but always as some anonymous 'extra talent'.

The one I probably enjoyed making the most was 'The Duallists'. It was directed by Ridley Scott, and starred Keith Carradine, Harvey Keitel, plus a few other famous 'also-ran' names.

But it wasn't the acting side of things that appealed to me so much; it was the history, the fabulous uniforms, and the whole bravado-business of fighting duels.

Dressed, as I was, in full Napoleonic-era officer's kit, with my moustache waxed in a jaunty fashion, I could easily have seen myself duelling over some fair maiden's honour. At the time I even imagined myself being run through with a sword and dying on some frosty meadow in the bloom of my youth, and strangely the idea seemed quite appealing.

This wasn't some odd-ball death wish, more a romantic vision of life and death; at the time it seemed a far better option than croaking in some dirty geriatric ward in Barnsley or Wigan (not that I've visited either town).

Maybe they should bring back duelling; for the elderly, of course.


  1. Loved this film - but not sure I'd chose dualling as a way to end my days though.

  2. Well who wud-a-thunkit....Cro an interesting...more tales from the films coming soon perhaps?

    1. Don't get me started; no, really, DON'T get me started!

  3. What a fun thing to have done. Just making a brief cameo like Hitchcock eh? :)

  4. Well fancy that! It's one of my favourite movies, I've watched it many times. Such gorgeous costumes, colour,pageantry. I think it's due for another viewing.

  5. When my mother-in-law was alive she used to regale us with stories of being in the crowd pushing the 'Titfield Thunderbolt'! Not as romantic as a Napoleonic duallist with a waxed moustache though!

  6. I didn't realise you were a film star.

  7. I shall have to have your autograph :-D

  8. Geriatric dueling....wheelchairs and walkers....canes aloft...charge!!!!

  9. I've always wanted to be part of a film, even if i were just "third girl on the left."

    I shall have to watch this movie again and pay attention!

  10. Your post brings to mind the delightfully pointed title of John Houseman's memoir: Run-through.

  11. Amazing artist, famous actor, gardening guru, chef of amazing talent. Be still mine heart.

  12. being in a film sounds so exciting....actually hanging around the set waiting for everyone and their uncle is not. But the costumes and make-up: yes! You have had a very interesting life.

    My URL has changed: hope you'll follow me at

  13. You, sir, are squeezing a lot of living into one lifetime. Good for you! I dunno about that geriatric dueling, though. Those swords are pretty darned heavy!
