Wednesday 19 June 2013

Blooming Haddock's.

This Lavatera, which has just started to flower, makes the perfect entrance to Haddock's. I may even plant one on the other side of the gate to make an arch.

Some of the most important advice about vegetable gardening (which I usually ignore), is to eat your crops as soon as they are edible (we ate the above last night).

I don't always follow this advice because I'm usually expecting things to grow bigger and better; what I actually get later-on is either diseased or bug-covered, and I kick myself.

The other advantage of eating those 'just ready' crops is that they leave space which can then be re-planted. 

I like my courgettes to be quite small; about 4 inches maximum, and with 8 plants this is essential. To leave them to get bigger would mean instant glut.

Lady Magnon is always criticising my bean production. She wants a large supply just when our summer guests are here, and it's not always easy to provide. I do my best.

Onions just look after themselves. I've put in a double row this year, and they're yellowish rather than my usual 'Baron' reds. I shall soon be eating some of these as spring onions.

Tomatoes are like weeds here. Just spit a few pips at the ground, and in a few weeks we have a red carpet.

I've also been instructed to grow plenty of salad this year. With this variety we just grab a few leaves every day, and they re-grow; much more practical that the tight headed ones where one is obliged to cut the whole plant (ignore the weeds, please).

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  1. It all looks very lush - I always prefer to eat my veggies young - that is one of the reasons I prefer to grow my own.

  2. Your crops are coming along well - and weed free as far as I can see - waiting for the right time to pick is a very thin line - but most things definitely taste better when picked young.

  3. lovely salad leaves! I have a friend who would probably eat all the weeds as well. Chick weed is quite nice.

  4. It's all come along beautifully. I like lavatera too and have two in the front garden. I think another allowing for an arch to form would be excellent.

  5. Bloomin' marvellous.
    Very envious of healthy looking tomatoes grown outside. Too wet here sadly.

  6. Well done Cro, it al looks marvelous. I only planted two tomato plants this year compared to last year’s fourteen.

  7. Wow it all looks brilliant - fresh and vibrant and growing well. There is nothing nicer than fresh free veg :)

  8. Looks wonderful. the lavatera is very pretty

  9. The very best thing about growing your own vegetables is being to go out and pick fresh salad fixings and side dish every day. Your garden looks terrific.

  10. Your garden is looking beautiful and orderly!
