Friday 21 June 2013

Girolle Season 2013.

We've been having some serious rain recently, and, for me, that means just one thing; Girolles.

Our late spring/early summer lunchtime Girolle Omelets are an essential part of our lives, as will be our Cèpe Omelets later in the year.


Half an hour in the woods with the dogs, then back home past the hen house, and we have a meal fit for a King (and/or the more lowly Magnons).

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  1. Love that photo with the dramatic sky.

  2. Is that a church spire I can see in the background? The colour of the field and the sky work so well, lovely view.

    1. Yes, it's our village church. Exactly 2 kms away, and perfectly due East of our house.

  3. Brilliant view. I'm not educated enough about fungus to know which ones are safe to pick and eat. Knowing me I'd end up in A&E! But those look very tasty.

  4. That first shot is so Mediterranean looking - all hot and sultry - enjoy your girolles

  5. Mushrooms of any edible variety - splendid things. I only wish that they were all edible, or that at least those that aren't weren't so emphatic about being inedible.

    Stupendous view you have there!

  6. Mushrooms of any description in an omelet - food for the gods.

  7. Breath-taking picture of the landscape. Your food looks good also.

  8. I'm just admiring that blue sky!

    1. About 5 mins later we were in 'arm-bands' and 'fins'.

  9. Hmmm my scotch egg didn’t stick long, think I will fly to France.

  10. Such a dramatic-looking sky. Every time you do a post featuring some sort of mushroom, I wish I were smart enough to know which ones in the wild are safe to eat. I've never tasted a mushroom I didn't like, but I rely on the market to provide them.

  11. I totally agree with Susan. I am too scared to try any but ones I buy these days though I remember the field ones we picked as children were stronger tasting.

  12. what a beautiful pool-side photo! Lovely mushrooms, too. I trust you know what you're doing as you are still alive.
