Thursday 21 February 2013

Haddock's is Flagging.

These are probably the last of the carrots and sprouts; just as the purple sprouting broccoli is about to start.

Haddock's performed very well last year, and into this. We still have plenty of bottled ratatouille, etc, as well as pickles, chutneys, and preserved fruits. My intention is always to reach the following year's harvests without having to deprive myself of anything.

Most of what I grow is eaten cooked, so not having 'fresh' is not really a problem. Of course we don't have fresh tomatoes at the moment, but then it's not salad season anyway. And the courgettes and aubergines that await, bottled in tomato sauce, would normally end up cooked even if they'd been gathered fresh; I'm getting through about 2 jars each week.

I grew no potatoes last year (nor will I this). At just a couple of Euros for a 5 kilo bag, it's hardly worth bothering.

Haddock's looks a bit unloved at the moment, I'd like to give it a good going over with the rotovator, but I think it'll have to be aerated a bit before the blades will penetrate properly; a matter of forking and lifting (a day's work).

Up at the top end, the hens are looking happy. The sunshine has lifted their spirits, and they are laying again. I've given them the run of Haddock's recently (see above) and they've not destroyed anything; I feared they'd eat my sprouts, but they've left well alone.

Quite a while to go before the 2013 growing campaign starts in earnest, but as soon as the weather allows I'll begin to spread compost and prepare the soil. I like to see it all neat, tidy, and ready to attack.


  1. I only have psb left at the plot - just waiting for it to make its mind up and start producing - all my winter stores are just about finished too - I am impatient for the beginning of the new gardening season.

    1. My psb started to flower last Autumn; I'm wondering if it'll flower again properly now! My fingers are crossed; it's my favourite veg.

  2. My bosoms is looking rather saggy and sad cro..... Hey ho

    1. I might try to rotovate Haddock's a bit this afternoon.

  3. yesterday we had apple pie from the autumn crop...that is such a good feeling. having fruit trays has made the difference we think.
    but the leeks have mostly gone to mush in the very heavy frosts.

    1. I wonder if you should try a different variety of leeks.... they ought to survive quite heavy frost.

  4. It sounds like you are getting pre-spring fever. Even though we are going through a week of quite cold weather, I see my bulbs sprouting in the ground and my Willow tree has a cast of yellow green on its branches.

  5. And while you wax poetic about your garden plans we are looking into our first najor snowstorm of the winter. Should be here in a few hours. Perhaps then we'll plan our own garden as the drifts cut us off from civilization a few days. We can only hope.

    1. And you moan about the dry summers. Go gather some of that snow, and store it in the barn.

  6. Oh yes, spring is on it's way! The Mr is chitting his potatoes as we speak LOL

  7. Cro your life sometimes sounds so time, walking, eating home cooked food, sunshine......oh how I wish to be retired....I just think I won't have your energy when and if the time ever comes!

  8. This post will have him indoors chomping on his bit. A few more weeks for the weeds to grow before he will get a chance to wage war with his trusty rotovator. (I do get a bit fed up with all the chitting potatoes lined up in egg boxes on my sideboard, not a good look!)

  9. It's a bit stop-go here too. Your sprouts look good. Mine were non-existent last year. It was bitterly cold here today - not gardening weather at all, and snow forecast in the night.

  10. I can't wait to get down on the lottie again. The ground is all dug over ready for planting - it's just frozen solid right now! Its very impressive that you are still harvesting Cro :)
