Friday 22 February 2013

It's a start.....

As predicted, I was able to get the rotovator on to Haddock's yesterday afternoon. I turned over about a third of the plot, and then gave up on account of my bloody back; ouch!

Just out of picture, to the right, are my remaining purple sprouting broccolis, a few measly sprouts, and one or two curly kale plants. Nothing to write home about.

However, I did take a peek under one of my rhubarb forcing pots, and this is what I found...

Nice buds and tiny leaves. It shouldn't be too long before rhubarb crumble is back on the Magnon menu.

Otherwise, the tree house is advancing; although little Miss elf-n-safety (Lady Magnon) has BANNED me from building a third story. She says it's far too high up, and is afraid that her darling little grandsons will tumble and perish. So it's now turning into a Tree Pirate Ship instead; anyone got a spare anchor? 

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  1. A good start - at least you have sun - it's really bleak here at the moment - will have to check on my rhubarb I love the start of the rhubarb season then get overwhelmed by it when it starts to take over.

  2. rhubarb crumble sounds fabulous!

    Not only is your Lady correct about the kids, but is also looking out for her Lord. Good on her.

  3. Oh you bar steward - you just had to mention rhubarb crumble, didn't you!

    I am now officially craving crumble.

    Get back out there and do some work for your sins.

  4. ooooh rhubarb is looking pretty abundant too....bring on the crumble!!

  5. Safety harnesses for the tree-house?

  6. Check out Diane on The Alberta Montana Border...her hubs built a pirate ship in their back yard for the grands. He might have some ideas/plans/inspiration for you.

  7. Lady M is right. I would imagine that when the house is done and the grandsons come visiting, she will not only see the boys up there, but also her beloved having his second childhood.

    Take care of that back.

  8. Oh Yum Yum - will be soon the days of sun and rhubarb crumble...

    Disadvantaged childhood as in never had a tree house - never been in one - please may I come and play in yours once complete?

    Anna :o]

  9. I think you have a wonderful anchor already Cro and her name is Lady M!

  10. We're having more snow today. I'll be lucky to be able to rotovate in April.

    Too bad about the third storey. Can you make some sort of crow's nest instead to assuage the health & safety inspector? You could attach shrouds from the gunwhale up to the crow's nest. I'd also suggest several belaying pins so little boys can dangle and haul up and down pails of goodies.
