Wednesday 20 February 2013

A Hint of Spring.

There are several signs of approaching Spring. The Daffs have been poking their heads above ground, the Peach trees are showing tiny flower/fruit buds, and (I hear that) the Cranes have started to return from their over-wintering in Morocco and elsewhere.

But chez Magnon we have our own ways.... The windows have all been cleaned (me), all the doors and windows thrown open (her), and the lawn mower (the non ride-on one) dragged from its hibernation, given a quick rub-down with a damp cloth, plug cleaned and sprayed with WD40, and miraculously started up (me again).

Now that it's warmer, our sitting room fire is only lit in the late afternoons, and for the first time this year we take our early evening glass of medicinal wine outdoors on the terrace (at that table lower left), before heading indoors.

Stews will soon become less frequent, the hot-water-bottle and electric blanket will be put away, and my thermal vests will be placed in that drawer marked 'not to be opened till next winter'.

Now where are my shorts; or am I being a tad previous?
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  1. Nah, it's never too soon to pull out the short pants. Our daffodils are almost done blooming already. The hyacinths are just beginning to bloom, and the tulips are a step or two behind. The temperatures were a little chilly over the weekend, but I saw plenty of people wearing shorts.

  2. Ohhhhhhh...we are far from that....warmish today but snow for the weekend! We do have snowdrops..but I am going to start the tomatoes I think....we have a small greenhouse...that gives us a little early spring!!!

  3. We're in the middle of our long summer here and I can't wait for a change in the season. I love the way your kitchen opens into the garden like that. The glass of wine on the terrace sounds right up my ally. Sue

  4. We have our fingers crossed that the cool weather lasts.... but I don't think we'll escape that easily. I'm hoping your weather doesn't warm up too much before we get there.!!

  5. Hey Cro, you know what they say about ne'er cast a clout. I have known it snow in April. Auntie Kath will be going about in her thermals for a while yet (except when I am in Thailand- I am in for a temperature shock in 2 weeks time!

    1. Cor, lucky you! I do remember snow here once on Easter Day. But that was back in the 70's, before global warming.

  6. I do hope the warm spell lasts a few more days Cro..... I'm hoping to spend a week in Caunes next week, in between chemo sessions....but the forecast is not as promising as your post. I think I'm going to go with you as the expert, and expect sunshine rather than wintery showers. J.

    1. Expect some cold mornings, but the afternoons should be glorious..

  7. What's the French for 'Ne'er cast a clout 'till May is out'?

    1. And, everyone remember, May refers to May Flowers; NOT the month of May!!!

  8. The sun was shining here too yesterday....
    Okay the cold and frost is back
    Can I move not your folly for a. Season?

    1. I'm afraid we're still having frosty nights here too!

  9. Wow...I sure wish we were at the same point you are...we had a blizzard last night.

  10. Our postman had shorts on today . . . But he has got a beard! Then, so have you, so you'll probably be fine x

  11. Okay...that is green grass in the photo. We just received another 10 inches of snow. (Quiet, gentle sobbing)

  12. It's still snowy around here, but at least rain is starting to outmatch the frozen stuff. I'm not looking forward to spring heat, but the brief Second Autumn ought to be nice.
