Tuesday 27 November 2012

Pickled Onions.

The other day, I was visiting the 'Foreign Foods' section of my local Supermarket, to buy a jar of Branston. Whilst there I spotted a tiny bottle of Heinz pickled onions, and my desire became uncontrollable. The price tag said something crazy (we're talking here of about 6 baby onions, a splash of vinegar, and a glass jar) so I returned at once to the vegetable department and bought two bags of small onions.

Once eye-wateringly peeled, they were put to soak overnight in brine (above), then packed into jars and covered with a sweetened cold spiced vinegar. I'll try to leave them for at least a week before tasting.

I'm forward-thinking to thick cold slices of Boxing Day Turkey, when pickled red cabbage, gherkins, and onions, will be ESSENTIAL.

I've already been back to buy a few more bags of these little onions, which are now also being processed. Roll on Christmas!
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  1. Oh the peeling of so many tiny onions! You are more forbearing and patient than I, monsieur. Braver also!

  2. Good for you. They are so expensive here and they taste horrible. Well worth the effort

  3. That sounds exactly like my usual Boxing Day dinner - I have a bag of onions just waiting for the same treatment, now - where are my goggles!

  4. WE do not see them like that here for sale,maybe at the city markets,makes me feel I want to search for them,I am going to the closest large city to the specialist on Thursday,I think I shall try to find some Bob would love these.

  5. Ham and pickled onions sandwiches are one of life's simple pleasures!

  6. Perhaps you could start a list of what food and DRINK you miss from England? For me living in Ireland,it's draught real ales, a proper chip shop, Meat and Potato pies...?

    1. I've been drooling over the idea of a good meat pie recently too.

  7. OOh they are making me scrunch my mouth up and pull a funny face just thinking about them :-)

  8. I'm with Kath!

    I must say, Cro, i like the way you prep for the holidays.

  9. what an industrious man you are! well done!

  10. Beautiful! My mouth is watering over the thought of your Boxing Day Turkey foods. I just found out about a month or so ago that they now make goggles for peeling onions!

    1. Now you tell me! My eyes were stinging and streaming.

  11. I tried to do my own but with only one good eye it was impossible so now I just suck it up and purchase a jar. They are a must for my evening martini. The thing I miss most is a good steak and kidney pie.

  12. Not keen on pickled onions - now if it was pickled walnuts!!! I expect you already have those put down.
