Wednesday 28 November 2012

Making That Wish.

In every English 'foodie' household, they will be stirring Mincemeat, and making wishes. Lady Magnon has just called me to the kitchen to let me make mine.

Did you know that Mincemeat should only ever be stirred in a clockwise direction? To do so anticlockwise is courting disaster for the year ahead.

One should also make a wish on eating your first mince pie (which should be eaten in silence).

Now then; what should I wish for. Ah yes; I know.............

p.s. And don't forget that Santa's favourite snack, whilst out delivering presents, is a mince pie left conveniently by the chimney. Failure to provide could prove disastrous.
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  1. When you leave a mince pie by the fire for Santa, don't forget the carrot for the reindeer!

  2. And every middle-class home is stirring in sixpences and thruppeny bits while in every upper-crust establishment some chef is busy stirring in cheques and stock certificates ...

  3. And don't forget a tipple for Father Christmas, and some magic reindeer food, to help them find their way to your house (oats mixed with a little glitter). Sometimes reindeer like baked spuds instead of carrots!

  4. I made mincemeat cookies last year - won't be making that mistake again!

  5. Mmm, love mincemeat! Haven't made it since 2008. I need to get on that. Probably I stirred it counter-clockwise last time!

    1. That's probably why you went to Tobago, and not Trinidad.

    2. That worked out well for me! :)

  6. I have never made mincemeat, nor christmas pud, nor christmas cake - but that doesn't mean I am a bad person.

  7. your house is putting out goodies 24/7...looks delicious.

    1. Just the Christmas Cake to go, but that's Lady Magnon's dep't again!

  8. just made pies from mince meat made last much brandy it nearly walked in to the tins.....yum!!

    1. Home made is best, and the more brandy the better.

  9. Love Mincemeat……or is it the Brandy?

  10. I am half embarrassed to say I have never had mince meat......I wish you the best, stirring the mince meat the right way will help, I am sure!!

  11. I'd never heard of making a wish or eating the first mince pie in silence or that it needed to be stirred in only a clockwise direction.

    I've never tried making it, either, but in case i do, it's good to know the 'proper' way.

  12. I'm not a fan of mincemeat, but then, I've only tried it once, and that was a pie my mother made years ago with canned mincemeat. And with nary a drop of brandy. Surely, brandy would've improved it considerably. Heck, with enough brandy, she could've left the canned stuff out altogether. It was quite disgusting. Maybe the cannery folks stirred it in the wrong direction. And I'm quite sure we didn't eat it (or anything else... EVER) in silence, either.

  13. I don't suppose you'd share that recipe with a midlife farmwife in Illinois? Would be grand fun to serve it at my family Christmas my house...again...because they are too lazy to hodt it at theirs...just one...Merry Christmas

  14. Donna, if you type Mince Pies Anyone? into the little white box (top left hand corner), and click on the search button, the recipe is there. I'm sure there are also pictures on Google images to show how they should look. Good luck.

  15. You are such a culinary inspiration - not that I have time to do these things. Roll on Empty Nest.
    I remember that my mother used to half-jokingly discourage us from stirring anything widdershins - milk for custard, porridge - I don't remember her making mincemeat. Widdershins - or anti-clockwise was a witch's way of doing things...
