Monday 26 November 2012

Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop...

I have often mentioned, that I am one of those people who wakes up each morning feeling 'HAPPY', but there are certain things (and, unfortunately, people) that can change all that in an instant.

This horse, and his two mates, live just opposite the southern end of Haddock's; my vegetable garden. They have hardly any grass, absolutely no shelter, AND (YET AGAIN) NOT A DROP OF WATER.

Occasionally in the height of summer, if they've been without water for several days, we struggle down with buckets and watering-cans to assuage their thirst. Their owners live less than 50 metres away, have a hose pipe permanently connected (bottom left), and can deliver water with just the relaxed turn of a tap; one can but wonder why they don't actually do it.

They should really be reported to the SPA (French RSPCA), as they adhere to NONE of the simple requirements of horse husbandry. However, for various reasons, I keep my mouth firmly zipped. As with their wonderful orange-bloody-wall, I despair in silence.

Personally I am of the opinion that if one has any sort of animals under one's care, that THEIR welfare should come before EVERYTHING else. 

Sadly my self-obsessed idiot neighbours prefer to just think only of themselves, and it makes me fucking angry! Meanwhile, their horses go thirsty.


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  1. POST SCRIPTUM: Eventually, someone did find the tap, and water filled the container. Unfortunately they also forgot to turn it off, and it's been running ALL NIGHT. If it's not one extreme, it's another.... I despair!

    1. I would too! THose horses are lovely. I hope their owners get their come-uppance one day.

  2. Our former neighbour was the same - it really upset me. This was not just one horse but a field of cattle.

  3. It does make you wonder why some people keep animals when they can't be arsed to look after them properly.

  4. I am of a similar opinion when it comes to animal welfare. They can't speak for themselves, mores the pity. We have to look out for them and do our best. Some people are the pits.

  5. How wonderful it would be to be able to reverse the positions of the animals/keepers. That should be the punishment in animal welfare/cruelty cases.

  6. Cro. You HAVE to report them.plain and simple

  7. I agree with John - you cannot sit back and let the creature die (or begin to die) for want of water. Nothing would mend the behaviour of your neighbours, as far as I can tell. Courage, mon ami.

  8. Why have they got the horses if they don't want to take care of them?

  9. Perhaps a neighbourly chat with him first? Although from this and previous posts I do get the impression he's not very approachable. Good luck.

    1. I shall have a quiet word with his wife. Just returned from a very wet walk with the dogs... the water's still running!

  10. I'm glad to know you will have a chat with his wife...this is a very bad situation.

  11. This is really sad and rather upsets me. By the way, your blog is amazing sir if I may say so.

    1. You may say so; and as often as possible! Thank you.

  12. This would also anger me no end. I think i'd have to say something--i do hope a quiet word with the wife can put things to rights.

  13. They need to be reported.

  14. I know you'd rather stay out of it, but you need to report the neighbors if they don't start taking better care of those poor horses.

  15. Dear Cro

    You are my morning read - always on the nail, always fascinating. Better than the online broadsheets any day. Would you mind if I nominated you for a Sunshine Award on my blog?

    The details are here.

    best wishes, Luffy

    1. Luffy, that's most kind. But as you might see on my profile 'about me', this is very much an 'Award Free Zone'. Not that I don't welcome them.... it's the 'pass them on' culture that I don't adhere to. Thanks anyway.

  16. It is all well and good that we ask you to report these stupid humans, but you are the one that has to live next door. Tread softly my friend as these bastards often become very agitated in these cases because they know they are in the wrong but never want to admit it.

  17. I too think you need to do the couragous thing and report them. It's not like your friends with them or anything!

  18. I can well understand why you are so angry Cro. These people rally do need reporting.

  19. Dammit. Dammit all to hell thats makes me mad! 10 minutes of work for a kind eyed creature and that cannot be done. Have some neighbor boy of yours call it in to the authorities for a wee reward. Will keep you out of the loop and horses out of the torture pasture they are in.

  20. I don't think there's anyone at home for the moment, but had they been just a tiny bit less arrogant and insolent, they could have asked for my assistance. As it is, their water is now STILL running down the field (3 days later), and they will soon receive a HUGE water bill. Maybe that will be a good reminder for the future.

  21. Sadly, they probably turned it on accidentally.

  22. Mistakes happen.. I'm sure they love their horses, and on the photos they don't look hungry!!!

    1. Unfortunately they make the same 'Mistake' quite often. A horse should drink about 30 gallons of water per day; 12 gallons is an absolute minimum. They have often been without water for 3 or 4 days; this is critical.
