Thursday 29 November 2012

Happy Birthday Bok Magnon; he's TWO!

Yesterday (28. 11. 2012), Bok was 2. Although we've known him since he was about 3 months old, he's only actually been living with us for about a year. 

Bok and I are very much in love; and why not! Above is his typical pose; head on my lap, eyes looking up into mine, and that look that says 'I'd go to the ends of the earth for you, boss'.

OK, it's not a cake, but it's what he most likes to eat (and he did have 'knacki' sausages for lunch). He also received a nice new black mattress for his Snooze-a-While, XXL, chew proof, plastic bed.  

So, Happy Birthday little Bok, and may you enjoy many, many, more! xxxxx (from the boss)

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  1. Such adoration - Happy Birthday Bok

  2. Oh that top photo just melts my heart! Happy birthday Bok you handsome chap! I am so glad he came to live with you, Cro.

  3. Aww bless - who could resist that face.

  4. Happy birthday Bok. Hope Monty helped you blow the candles out.

  5. Happy birthday to a great hound! Many happy returns. Please give him a hug from a Lincolnshire softie.

    Have you tried the experiment yet where you lock the Lady Magnon in the coal cellar, lock Bok into the cupboard under the sink and then come back eight hours later to see which of them is happy to see you?

    1. Almost every day TOW. One side of my head is covered with rolling-pin dents; the other is licked bare.

  6. How could you not love that dog. Pure adoration shines from his eyes - what an expression!

  7. What gorgeous eyes. Happy Birthday, Bok!

  8. I loved this post and it started my day with a smile. He is a beauty, Cro.

  9. Happy Birthday Bok

  10. "Duh. When is he gonna stop messing around with those candles and GIVE ME MY GRUB!"

    Lovely pics Cro & many happy returns Bok.

  11. What a sweet face! Many happy returns, Bok!

  12. What a handsome fellow. Happy Birthday, Bok!

  13. Happy Birthday, Bok. Many more to you. You have a wonderful boss.

  14. His whiskers need a little filling in, but other than that he's definitely starting to resemble you.
    Many Happy Returns, Bok.

  15. Happy Birthday dear Bok!!! What a great dog! And that doggie birthday cake is really, really cool. I'm going to have to make one for Ginger on her next birthday!!

  16. I hope he provides you with those "melt my heart" looks for a long time, Cro. I have a dog friend like that too.

  17. Happy Birthday Bok. Did Monty help you to blow the candles out.

  18. O'hhhhh lovely Cro happy birthday Bok.

  19. Cro, how did he get the name Bok?

    1. He originally belonged to some neighbours who called him Pok. We had mis-heard this as Bok.... so it's stayed that way. I have no idea why he was first called Pok.

  20. What a lovely coincidence! It's my birthday today too 'cept I'm 68 and Bok is two. ;-)

    Happy Birthday, Bok. There isn't anyone I'd rather share a birthday with than you.

  21. What a lovely boy! ANd such a nice "cake!" Happy birthday Bok!
