Saturday 30 June 2012

Two Roofs, But With a Single Aim.

1. Rank-bloody-amateur, piss-poor, trial-n-error, Oh-my-aching-back, OAP built, Pump House (chez Cro).

2. Highly-paid-and-recommended, professional, call-me-Sir, craftsman-built, Pump House (next door). 

It's worth enlarging the second picture, just to see how certain professional (cowboy) builders work.

Oh, and I think I forgot to mention; my neighbour is a Building Entrepreneur, specialising in the restoration of foreign owned holiday properties (ee speeks liddle eeengeesh). Gawd help them;... if the above was mine, I'D SUE!

I should add that my roof is certainly not perfect. It was the first time I'd attempted such a thing, and mistakes were bound to happen. But the man who built my neighbour's roof is a seasoned professional (cowboy), and really should know better!

I really must stop going on about my bloody idiot neighbour! Or maybe for just a bit longer!
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  1. he should be ashamed of himself, how embarrasing. And no you have the right to go on alittle bit more. Fortunatly our horribly messy neighbor does not live within sight of us and you actually have to drive down the street too see. I've learned to take deep cleansing breaths (most days). But to have to see it might have to go to get some professional help.......
    Actually I think your too nice about it all...

  2. Ah well, the next good storm will take care of it - just make sure you keep all the Cro Clan and animals well clear of it!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Amazing - I must admit I can't figure out how one would cap those tiles.

  5. looks awfully shoddy to me. One little earthquake and down it will come. Poor fellow got ripped off royally.

    Yours is quite handsome and sturdy looking. Good on you, Cro.

  6. If it is that poorly done on the outside, heaven help anyone who goes inside.

  7. What amazes me most is that's it's HIM who has to live with it. Personally I couldn't stand looking out on that every day; it would drive me NUTS.

  8. Are we playing 'vive la difference'. Maybe your neighbour should have asked you to do the building work.

    1. Can you guess what my answer would have been?

  9. If you'll pardon my language - chuffin' Eric! I'd be ashamed of that second batch of "roofing" and a DIYer I am not. Did he "build" it while dangling from a helicopter?

  10. In the 1970s, when every Englishman bought a gite in France, they were all criticised for bringing their own builders in to do them up - until the next lot tried to use local labour...

  11. Makes me shudder looking at that... but it is so typical, sad to say.

  12. My friend is one of the best marley roofers heading up a college course to train young roofers how to do it...I shall pass this on to him so he can show his students a botched job.

    Yours looks great by the way.

  13. Even I can see it's a piece of sheet.

  14. LOL, Joanne. Why are neighbour's always so annoying? I have one behind me and to the left of me that drive me nuts. Wow, your roof looks great.

  15. What a shotty-ass job. I am so glad I do not live next to a (sorry ass)long ago neighbor anymore. I am so sorry Cro. Your place is so lovely.

  16. . . . That sodding blue sky again!

    1. Sorry! It keeps bloody coming bloody back.

  17. You did a very nice job with yours. It was fun watching it all come together.

    1. This is a different one, Amy, which I built about 10 years ago. It contains all the pool machinery, filters, etc. It's just 2 by 3 metres.

  18. My god, what crappy workmanship. Embarrassing, to say the least! Yours, on the other hand, looks great.

    And do go on about your neighbour, it's very entertaining. It makes me feel better about my pain-in-the-arse neighbours (they're everywhere!)

  19. Your roof looks amazing! Good work. I can't believe that second roof passed inpection. Did the owner even go out and look at it? I certainly wouldn't have paid for it.
