Sunday 1 July 2012

Here Comes The Judge.

My daily post-lunch 15 min 'power nap' is often taken in the company of TV's Judge Judy; she is 50% amusement, and 50% soporific.... Just what I require for my post-midday snooze.

What do I like about her? Well, we share the common trait of not suffering our fools gladly. She berates idiots, and treats them as such (look listen and learn, UK judges!). And, like most of us, she can tell instantly when someone is lying, and tells them straight.

Her Honour has also taught me a few interesting things about everyday life in the US. All children over the age of 16 (who stay on in the family home) are forced to pay their parents RENT (or end up in court). Secondly, if you fail to pay your ex-wife/husband/partner Child Support you can have your 'Drivers Licence' taken away (weird). And thirdly, absolutely everyone in the US buys absolutely everything by monthly payments (especially those all-important 'trucks').   

On the other hand, perhaps the most frightening thing I've learned from her illustrious show, is that you can be arrested, handcuffed, and thrown into jail, for just about any tiny thing in the US; after which someone has to cough-up 'bail' money, in order to get you un-cuffed and out again. Bizarre! 

I've snoozed in front of more of her shows than I care to mention, and have probably yet to see a whole episode from beginning to end. Maybe my 50/50 percentage weighting (above) should have been considerably heavier on the side of soporific. 

N.B. In case you didn't know, the show pays both plaintiff and defendant $250 appearance money, plus $35 per day, plus all expenses (hotel, flight, taxi, etc). And the audience is made-up entirely of paid 'extras'. Nothing is as it seems!


  1. I used to watch Judge Judy when my kids were babies. I liked the way she saw a situation for what it was and spoke her mind. I do have to question why someone would want their 'fifteen minutes of fame' to be on a televised court case though.

    1. And usually be made to look like an idiot.

  2. $250 would be enough for some people.

  3. I'd thought this was a good subject for some Sunday Spleen Venting.... but no bites!

  4. I will never understand why people would lower themselves and air their dirty laundry in front of millions of people just to be on TV. Some people's pride can be bought for so little.

    Gee, never heard about kids paying rent. In today's tough economic times, many are living with their parents until they are in their 30's and I dare say very few pay for that privilege.

  5. I've never seen or heard of this show, but I understand how one can become addicted to tosh like it. I used to rush home to watch 'Blake's Seven'.

    1. I'm only addicted to sleeping in front of it.

  6. I too loved the judge before we disconnected from the TV world about 3 years ago. She was tough and mean but obviously is having some kind of fling with her guard. Her voice softens when she orders him about.

    1. Is that a sign I should look out for in the future?

  7. cro
    I adore her....
    she's got a cracking way about her!
    she is a metaphor for NY me thinks

  8. You can understand why Americans have this thing about 'Freedom' -- for them/us it can be taken away for what some would think is a minor 'infringement'. My husband also like Judge Judy for her ability to see through the BS. I don't watch it because I can't abide the people/morons who come up before her.

    1. I think you've hit the nail on the head. Everyone's favourite Judge; everyone's least favourite red-necked idiots.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Plenty of people I encounter in my hometown are perfectly willing to make asses of themselves for free.

    I guess $250 is a good deal for something they normally give away.
