Friday 29 June 2012


France is OBSESSED by Geraniums.

This last Winter my two potted Fig trees died, so I was left with two large empty terracotta pots.

These Geraniums were bought by Lady M several years ago, and I've managed to over-winter them indoors ever since. 

My over-wintering info' I gleaned from the net, and so far the simple method seems to have worked perfectly. I took off all dead matter, and trimmed them down to a bare minimum. Then in Spring I dug them up, shook off most of the earth from around the roots, and re-potted them in specially made (and quite expensive) Geranium compost. 

For someone who is not-too-hot on flowers, I've been impressed by their longevity. I may even buy some more.

This could become an obsession!
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  1. These are indeed lovely.;) I just bought some new red geraniums in hanging pots for our patio.;) I had geraniums many years ago and stopped having them because felt they needed a lot of care to look nice (trimming away the dried flowers), but have always loved them as they grow so easily.
    Have a nice weekend.;)

  2. Beautiful. Geraniums are very hardy and always give a beautiful display. May I suggest you try your green thumb on tuberous begonias also. They winter well in a cellar and their blooms are manificent and all so different.

    1. I sense danger.... I could turn into a 'flower' person.

    2. That would not be a bad thing. Flowers add so much beauty to this world.

  3. Morning Cro - geraniums are the essence of summer - well done for overwintering them - it doesn't always work.

  4. Flowers. Mostly, they're not edible you know. I can't even remember where Germaniums come on the Periodic Table.

  5. that photo depresses me
    still raining here

    1. Oh dear... and we've just been looking at flood pictures on the TV news.

  6. When you bring them in , over winter, cutting back the dead stuff, do you need to water them at all....or just wait for the spring warmth to wake them up again ?
    I've failed to overwinter geraniums for many years in Yorkshire...but am hoping for better results in the Languedoc.

    1. I did water them occasionally, when they were looking very dry, but didn't give them too much attention.

  7. That's a very attractive photo.

  8. Beautiful colours in that photo. Do you have a website of your artwork?

  9. Beautiful. So far, our geraniums are hanging in there this year, but they're gonna be a little challenged this weekend. Supposed to hit 103 degrees today, and 106 tomorrow and Sunday. At least, they get a little bit of shade where they are. The only time I winterized geraniums, I dug them up, shook off the dirt, and hung them in a dark room in paper bags until springtime. Worked just fine, but I got lazy about doing it again after the first time. (shame on me!)

    1. I've heard about that method, but have never been brave enough to try! Keep cool y'all.

  10. LOVE the picture! Every winter I think about trying that with mine and just throw them away....maybe I'll do it as buying new ones every spring is pricey. ....geranium compost??I'll have to look into that. Did you water them during the winter?

  11. Lovely.
    Himself bought some geraniums this year, the first we've had in a long, long time. We overwintered some 'by mistake'. I left them in the pot over winter outside, and in the spring, they came back. Sometimes indolence does pay off!

  12. I love geraniums! I am going to winter mine, this is my first year to have them, I bought pink. Yours are lovely. It is hot as hell here right now,I hate these sort of summers. Grands left today, and I am sick in bed with a virus my grandson Jacob brought me. Who can refuse the kisses from a child?
