Friday 1 June 2012

Making Hay Whilst The Sun Shines..

Yesterday was hot and sticky, and the guy above had just returned from a 3½ hr lunch (yes, one of those). Suddenly I heard Lady Magnon shouting. 

"Cro, come on in, the water's lovely".

"What's the temperature?". I shouted back.

"25", she replied.  I checked; it was 22, I never believe her when she talks of water temperatures.

I did my 10 lengths, then lay back in the afternoon sunshine as the John Deere driver continued with his lunch-fuelled meanderings.

Hay making is in full swing (mine included).

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  1. Reminds me of when I was a child (pool excepted) and could smell the fresh cut alfalfa from my grandfather's fields across the road. The fragrance is still in the air. Thank you so much for bringing it back to life as you lounge by the pool!

  2. Morning Cro - Aah! the smell of new-mown hay - to make successful hay is an art form - and so dependant on the weather - I have had a whole field full ruined by rain - it makes you weep - but the smell is heaven - I refuse to be envious of your warm swim - I can just see your finely-honed body gliding through the water.

  3. There's nothing quite so satisfying as lobbing empty Martini glasses over the topiary at the poor people!

  4. I bet he was wishing he could change places. It's silage mania here too except that it rained yesterday.

  5. I was just staring to feel sorry for you poor buggar and then you go and tell us that.. well enjoy you are a blessed soul.

    1. As Susan Heather says; it's a hard life!

  6. what you need now is a valet or a cocktail waitress- would that be allowed?

  7. We don't have a pool -- exactly. My husband has a paddling pool which he blows up, fills up and then heaves himself into when he gets too hot for comfort. I refuse to have anything to do with it and suffer in giggles...

  8. Sounds like a slice of heaven....basking in the sun after a swim and watching some one else work.

    1. It's called 'Retirement' Delores. A kind of poverty heaven.

  9. Sounds like a helluva wonderful retirement - stuff that dreams are made of - and no doubt well deserved and earned. Glad you're enjoying!

    Anna :o]

  10. There's something very lovely about large rolls of baled hay...but I like your kinda hay making...

  11. Ah, haymaking. Anti-histamine time. Six months away in this part of the world, thank goodness. But it is fascinating to watch. I love watching that huge machine spitting out the bales.
