Thursday 31 May 2012

Lady Magnon Is Driving Me MAD!

Lady M was stamping about in the kitchen yesterday morning; she couldn't find the milk. As it happened, I'd given the dogs the remains of the old bottle, and had only just replaced it by a brand new one in the fridge. I knew there WAS some, and I knew exactly where it was.

So, I opened the fridge door and..... NO MILK. 

She said I was going bonkers, and I'd have to check into the local lunatic asylum. I searched everywhere.... still no milk. For a nano-second I began to think she was right (that I WAS going bonkers), then, having checked the bathroom, the studio, the barn, and the oven, I eventually found the bottle in the glass cupboard.

'There, you see, you ARE going mad' she said with a knowing smile on her ever-so-smug face.

Luckily Cro does still have a few working faculties, and as soon as I touched the bottle I could feel that it was cold.... it HAD been in the fridge, and somebody else (guess who) had put it in the glass cupboard.

There's no fooling Cro! It's HER who's going bonkers; not me! She not only forgets what she did just a few seconds before; but she ALWAYS tries to put the blame on me!

p.s. She's off to Blighty this afternoon, for a spot of babysitting. I'm holding the fort!.... AGAIN.

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  1. Lol...I tend to put things in the microwave, that should go in the fridge ;)
    I've been told it gets worse, but I'm beginning to rather enjoy the oddness of it all !

  2. Geez Cro she just got back you did not have to send her sway again for think this is a female problem,I tend to loose things all the time only to find them weeks later...o'h dear what will become of us all...and while I am at it why are men always right!!!!!!!!

  3. Been there, done that - M. used to say "you are getting it as well" as though dementia was contagious.

  4. The only sane and sensible solution is to tie everything with string to its appropriate receptacle as you unpack the shopping. This way it always goes back to the right place.

    Walking around the kitchen becomes a little difficult.

    1. I have tried tying my pen to my notebook; they just cut the string!

  5. Morning Cro - I know the feeling exactly - you sort of lose focus as you get older - the mind wanders - you could swear on the bible that you had done something and found you hadn't.As someone above said - what is to become of us. It's nice to know we are not alone in this.

  6. I fear this is a common tail in our house...

  7. The problem is that we women have so much to do looking after you men that we have to multi-task and that means, inevitably that, on extremely rare occasions, we don't quite get it right. It is VERY VERY rare though!

  8. "Hold the baby while I put the meat in the oven..."

  9. Agree with Jennyta in that at times, the angst created by eternally clearing up after our menfolk leads to a decision to play cruel games on them, by deliberately displacing certain vital objects - as in this case the milk. Jenny we NEVER get things wrong!

    However if we did... Tom's thought is perhaps worringly worrying.

    Anna :o]

  10. All I can say is thank gawd there are other people losing it around this wonky planet. I'm beginning to think I should be booking a room at the Home.

  11. It's all probably your fault, you know ... perhaps it would help if you had a new hobby -- like UFO spotting, for instance???

  12. I noticed on the "grey T shirt" photo that you had your glasses on a "glasses chain" round your neck . . . Is this because Lady M hides them from you? ;-)

    1. No, but guess who loses hers every five minutes. AND refuses to have them on a string!

  13. Well it certainly wasn't me who hid the gherkins. Definitely not.

  14. That gave me a good laugh!

  15. I've learned not to tell the hubs he is going bonkers because ten minutes later he'll find something stupid I've done and tell me I'm bonkers. We've agreed to just let these little things go....and we don't mention them to anyone else either lol.

  16. I find that whenever one or both of us are getting ready to leave on a trip, we can each become testy and forgetful. It's easier to blame the other rather than to give ourselves a stern mental shaking.

    I'm glad you were able to find the milk before it had chance to get too warm and turn sour early.

  17. Your milk bottles are so would be hard to misplace a gallon of our American milk...

  18. A simple aberration that's all :)

  19. these are merely junior mother always told me that!

  20. Must've done it myself, then. Dang! Hate it when that happens.

  21. I lost a glass of wine for two weeks once... turned up in the laundry cupboard. I drank it, too.

    More babysitting? Well, at least you'll know where everything is while she's away.

  22. Happens to the best of us. Hope Lady M has a nice time in Blighty.
