Saturday 2 June 2012

How To Save The Planet.

I recently heard a Chinese University Professor giving his rather idiosyncratic views on how to save the planet. 

Firstly he suggested 'Meat Patches'. Similar to Nicotine Patches, they would slowly wean people off eating meat, which, he thought, was one of the major causes of world pollution and its eventual destruction.

Secondly he thought we should all be encouraged to be smaller. He suggested that only small people should be encouraged to have children, in an attempt to reduce the average size of a human being by one third. This would mean one third less food production, one third less wear and tear generally, and one third less cost of just about everything.

As much as I admire this Chinese gentleman's logic, I would like to throw one more idea into the ring. I would like to see people living closer to where they work. There seems to be far too much criss-crossing of the workforce. i.e. Those who live in London work in Manchester, and those who live in Manchester work in London. It seems to happen all the time.

Above is a photo of Platform 1 at Euston (London), showing some of the commuters as they queue for the early train for Manchester!


  1. That's not Platform 1 at Euston (London), showing some of the commuters as they queue for the early train for Manchester! Get Real! That's the peak hour rush from the Wynyard (Sydney) parking station onto York Street.

    You're telling porkies lol!

  2. Whichever town one lives in people always seem to live on the opposite side to the one they work in.

    1. Exactly. Imagine the travel-hours, frustration, and fuel, that could be saved.

  3. No, really! What is that photo? It's damn scary!
    With all due respect, that prof sounds like a nutjob. I prefer your suggestion - live and work locally. That's what I was lucky enough to be able to do for 10 years. A 10 minute saunter to work, brilliant.

  4. Hmmmm. I've recently become a vegetarian and the side effects...well, I'm not sure they're helping to reduce the greenhouse gasses.

  5. Morning Cro - that picture is scary and so is your Chinese professor - what a load of old cobblers. I don't know what the answer is to this problem I'm sure - but it aint that. Off on hols for a few days - so don't think I've abandoned you.

    1. I heard him on radio so I couldn't actually see him, but he sounded small. Maybe his bizarre agenda was for personal reasons!

    2. He missed the best trick - eat large people.

  6. The second message ... gave me a little smile, small and cute, so we halve everything and that's the solution?
    Grüße von Jasmin

  7. This little guy sounds quite scary. I agree though that we should all eat less meat.

  8. That is fascinating logic. We do need to stop breeding quite so much. I'll go with that.

    It's hard in Canada... everything is so spread out, you sort of need to travel for work. We don't even have a single bus in my town! (16K pop.)

  9. A meat patch???? Good Grief.

  10. For about 30 seconds I believed you!
    I wish the smart guy had of told me about the only-small-people-breeding thing BEFORE I had kids. Would have saved a lot of gray hair and stretch marks.

  11. If anyone is interested in reading further, his name is Professor S Matthew LIAO. I've just Googled 'meat patches'; I should have done it before!

  12. Meat patches!

    Overpopulation — biggest problem, I think.

  13. I totally agree with you. I have always thought that there should be some kind of pool to swap jobs to work nearer to where you live.

    My office moved a year ago and it has halved my traveling time and a prettier drive at that.

    Lil Bit Brit
