Thursday 28 June 2012

Happy Birthday Bok.

Bok is 18 months old today. He's not the world's most handsome dog; he's just a DOG (for full impact, do enlarge picture).

He has strange looking yellow eyes, a beautiful sheen on his coat, and he's so fast he can almost run-down a hare. He is also very adept at playing 'Cato' to Monty's 'Clouseau'.

We think he might be half Border Collie, and half Greyhound; but we're not sure. He is very affectionate and reasonably obedient. Having had three different homes, he's also very happy to have found one that is permanent, and he tells us as much.

We adore our little Bok, and so does his brother Monty. What would they do without each other!  

Happy Birthday little Bok. xxxx
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  1. He's a beautiful looking lad and I'm sure my Denny and he would have a great 'rabbiting' time! Trouble would be trying to round them up when we were done lol!

  2. How could you say he isn't the most handsome dog. Don't let him hear you say that.

  3. You are such a tease. Of course he is a handsome dog, intelligent too - he found himself a really good and loving home.

  4. Morning Cro - Bok has a very wise looking face - ordinary dogs are often the best - less trouble from being overbred.

  5. Susan said it! Don't let Bok hear you say that!

  6. The best kind of dog in my 'umble opinion!

    Bok - I offer you warm felicitations on your fourth-dimensional planetary-rotation related increment and express unbounding optimism regarding an unfeasibly high number of good-natured repeats of same. Now blow out your candle before the cake gets covered in wax.

  7. Happy Birthday to Bok; he is indeed a very handsome fellow!

    1. And (if you don't mind me saying) you look pretty darned gorgeous yourself!

  8. He has a rather greyhound profile. I would like to see the rest of him, to see if he has the lurcher shape. Mine look exactly like whippets when they are drenched with water!
    Happy Birthday Bok, whatever your heritage, you are a a beauty.

  9. He's gorgeous . . . Happy Birthday Bok x

  10. What a lovely boy. I can just feel those silky ears. Happy Birthday Bok baby and lovely scritches under the collar to you.

  11. Of all the dogs my family had (and there were many), only one was a pure breed, the rest were just perfect.

    Bless you for giving Bok his forever home. What a wonderful life he now has.

  12. Happy Birthday, Bok!! I think you are handsome and am glad you are finally home!

  13. you have certainly given your heart to a dog to tear

  14. by the photos, I thought he was a Lab. He IS beautiful and I do wish him a most happy birthday! He's lucky to have you, and you, him. So nice that Monty likes having him around as well.

  15. Happy Birthday dear Bok.

  16. Happy belated birthday from the pack in Germany! I do think Bok is beautiful and I love dogs with "special" eyes ;-)
