Sunday 19 February 2012

Another Sunday Morning Walk.

It's a bit before 8am. There's still some early morning frost about, and I'm wearing both my coat and gloves. Our first stop is to say 'good morning' to the horses, and for Monty to have a quick nibble of his favourite gourmet tit-bit; horse-manure.

Then on to where this mess of 2 metre length Chestnut logs was, until recently, in a nice neat pile. Someone has come along with a big earth-moving machine (not my JCB man) and shoved it all backwards. The pile belongs to ME, so I'll soon have to arrange for someone to bring it to the house.

My friend José's Chestnut plantation looks wonderful at any time of year. If they're lucky, the dogs will find a Hare to chase amongst the surrounding woodland.

Now up onto this stretch of track that runs through the middle of the woods. This is where the dogs recently disturbed what I think must be a Polecat. Both Lady M and myself have seen it on two different occasions, with the dogs in hot pursuit. They stand no chance of catching it!

The dogs have had a good run (no Hares or Polecats today), they're both 'emptied', and I head back home. The sun is up, the sky is clear, and I anticipate a fine, warmish, day ahead. I shall unleash the chainsaw and build-up a stack of logs.... rain is forecast.

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  1. Look at that wonderful blue sky. Frosty and sunny in Wiltshire this morning but I can't believe how cooooooooold it is. Brrrr.

  2. What a fantastic walk you have there. I'm envious!

  3. A bright morning here too Cro, but cold and sharp on the skin. Hope you wore your hat.

  4. Lovely, lovely photos. Getting outside at that time of day is such a pleasure. It may have been frosty there but at least you don't have a foot of snow on the ground. Looks like paradise to me.

  5. Oh, and why is it dogs like to eat horseshit so much?

  6. Paddy always makes a beeline for horse manure too. Ugh!

    1. I suppose it's only 'processed' grass. The problem, I believe, is when the horses have been wormed (or given other medicine). This ends-up in the manure, and is not good for little Rover.

  7. I can hear the crunch of the frosty grass underfoot. Any chipmunks in that woodpile?

  8. Enjoyed going on the walk. Love the one of the two dogs on the path in the woods. Thanks. Why is it dogs must eat other's poop?

  9. A few of those pictures could be models for some new paintings. Very pretty.

  10. My 2 eat horse poo, but the preferred delicacy is frozen rabbit droppings :-)

  11. A beautiful morning walk- all the better for having a nice warm stove waiting for you!

  12. Goodness Cro...what a breathtaking walk!

  13. thank you for taking us along...around the world, I was taking a morning walk with friends in the Napa Valley, looking at the vineyards filled with bright yellow mustard. Rewarded with a hot cup of coffee at a little shop in town. Your area is quite beautiful, lucky man.
