Monday 20 February 2012

'Celebrity' Antique Dealers; Doncha love em?.

There is a movement afoot, back in the UK, to make piss-poor, so-called TV Antique Dealers, into 'Celebs'. Is this happening everywhere?

Above are two good examples; James 'Bingo' Braxton, and David 'Devilish' Harper. Others include Phillip 'The Fox' Serrell, and Eric 'Knocker' Knowles. Each has a silly nickname, which is how we know that they truly ARE 'Celebs'.

So, in future I shall wish to be known as Cro 'The Hermit' Magnon. Others who could obviously do with a celebrity nickname overhaul include Tom 'Mind that Glass' Stephenson, and John 'Mind that... Oh, too late' Gray.

I'm sure you can think of others who deserve a silly Celeb-style nickname. I'm going to lie down.


  1. Cold again this morning; minus 3 C. Cro 'The Iceberg' Magnon.

    1. Now I feel sorry for these guys ( and a few gals) who take part in ANTIQUE ROAD TRIP etc as they are clearly manipulated into being painfully "chummy" on screen.
      The nicknames are obviously contrived by the 13 year old media wiz kid producer!!
      John "I have a crush on antique celebrity Jonathan Pratt" Gray

  2. Funnily enough, I was having lunch yesterday in the same restaurant as Bath's own celebrity antique dealer, Rolphey (that's his real name) who runs something more like a junk shop than an antique one. I don't watch TV, but I am amazed how popular the Antiques Roadshow is with my mates who don't buy antiques. It's a funny thing, because most antique dealers are despised for being shifty, unscrupulous and ruthless - and I know this applies to the most knowledgable glass-dealers - each one a shit to a man.

  3. I must have had a sheltered upbringing, Cro, because I've never heard of any of them!

    1. Whoever did the sheltering should be given a medal.

  4. We watch the Canadian road show when it's on. You can learn a lot.

  5. Well I have spent a productive half hour doing my grocery shopping while wondering what I might be know as...probably something like ...Kat "I shouldn't, but I will" Lorien hee hee

  6. I've watched the US version of Antiques Road Show and saw a guy i used to work with over 30 years ago now. He wanted to become a goldsmith and was working towards that when we lost touch. Through the power of the Internet, i was able to give him a call and say hi, which was great. He has no celebrity name but did say that all sorts of people who never wished to acknowledge him in high school were all wanting to be his friend now. He admitted he didn't even remember most of them. He did remember me and was glad i called.

    I guess that would make my name, Megan "one degree removed from fame" L.


    1. The BBC UK programme 'Antiques Road Show' is quite up-market compared to some of the drivel they produce nowadays. The 'celebs' are generally associated with the bottom of the barrel shows.

  7. Our farm is full of "antiques" which will be valuable I am sure once we remove the piles of manure sheltering them.

    Signed, Midlife "Oh good God are you really going to tell me that broken down grain wagon filled with 8 layers of Peacock crap is really an antique!!" Farmwife.

  8. Hi Cro, I am one of the crap show followers over here,and shamefully I love it,I think you may be referring to Bargain Hunt for one and for a long time thought Tim Wannacott was fabulous,still makes me laugh,I do not know why I like the show but many of us do,I also like the Antiques road show and often we see whats on the cupboard on there, I think I just love all things old and my other addiction is the "move to the country "type shows as I guess basically it comes down to all things English or provincial...I have no idea what type of nic name I could have ,goodness the mind boggles...

  9. Here, pawn brokers are turned into celebrity darlings, too. Susan "I should know better by now" Swiderski

  10. I sometimes watch where these men travel around to self-acknowledged junk shops, people with old barns full of old rusty crap. Quite a snapshot of America -- especially rural America. No silly nick names here, though.

  11. At this point my nickname could be, Arleen, maƱana is good enough for me, finally. I am trying to take life easier and enjoy the small things that happen around me.

    I may be an antique, but I still have value.
