Saturday 18 February 2012

Unwanted finds.

I wonder if you're like me. I cannot stand finding traces of butter in my jam, peanut butter, or Marmite.

A certain person (whose name I shall conceal) lived for several years in Washington DC, and developed a liking for that anathema of all things gastronomic... Peanut butter and Jelly Sandwiches.

Now, as a regular European, I'm simply amazed that O'Barmy has not made this practice illegal (with a hefty prison sentence); its continued existence is a disgrace to the whole North American continent.

Imagine a decent European chap opening a jar of British Bramble jelly, to find traces of peanut butter within. YUK, and double YUK. So, my delight has been boundless since Mr Marmite, and some others, began to sell their products in such clever 'SQUEEZY' containers.

I am now able to eat non-buttery honey, and non-buttery Marmite, but jammy butter is still another problem. I can see that my only protection from such abhorrent practice is the classic 'His-n-Hers' method. Hers with; mine without (Oh, did I accidentally give a clue to who this person above might be? Woops!).


  1. Marmite: food of the gods. Jam: something the gods feed to those in favour. Peanut Butter: several of anyone's five a day.

    My only worry with the squeezies is that I might be leaving some of the nectar unsqueezed; I still have to remove the lid and lick the jar out.

    By the way old chap, 'tween you, me and the Customs at Heathrow - would a truly decent European ever open a jar of British bramble "jelly"? Jellyswotgoesin modern trifles, surely?

  2. Oh, Cro! How can you bear to eat Marmite? It's revolting. :(

    1. Jennyta. I went directly from my mother's breast to Marmite; there's no giving up now. I love it!

  3. Trying to imagine what a peanut butter and jelly sandwich would taste like... the shops!!!

    1. They used to force-feed prisoners with it at the 'Baghdad Officers Training School'.

  4. Other combo delights - Marmite and cheese, Marmite and crushed crisps, peanut butter and cheese - yummy! (Not a jam fan myself).

    I do so understand your distaste at finding foreign bodies in them there spreads - find it equally distasteful to find butter/marge contaminated with them there spreads or bits of toast.

    Anna :o]

  5. I often have peanut butter with Marmite on toast - it's delicious.

  6. It's the toast crumbs in the margerine that drive me insane...
    peanut butter? I love it. Would you believe when we were first married the hubbies fabourite was peanut butter and bologna?

    1. When I lift the top off the butter dish, and see toast crumbs and jam all over the butter.... I go crazy (but keep it to myself).

  7. I just use a spoon to get stuff out of the jar and a knife for spreading.

    I confess to liking peanut butter and banana and no, I don't use to banana to get the peanut butter out of the jar LOL

  8. I must defend peanut butter and jelly for a moment – honestly, there's no better way to eat pb. Unless it's pb and honey, which is really good, too. Honestly, I can't believe anyone who eats Marmite turns up their nose at good old pb&j!
    I'm with the "Lady" (sorry, unknown person) on this one!!!!

  9. I still love PB&J sandwiches upon occasion, especially on rye bread. And guess what? You don't have to worry about cross-contamination between the peanut butter jar and the jelly jar if that sort of thing bothers you, because here in the states, you can even buy a product comprised of a swirled mixture of peanut butter and grape jelly all in one jar! As for the Marmite, I have a jar in the pantry. I've tried it, but wasn't overwhelmed with joy at the taste. But I will try again. Someday. (Evidently, that stuff NEVER expires!)

    1. I wasn't going to mention about that stuff, Susan. Even the thought makes me wince!

  10. Op's Mr M, let the cat out of the bag.
    I like "P" without the "J", but I like it with homegrown Nebraska clover honey.
    I also do not like "UFO's (unidentified food objects) in my jellies, honey, etc.
    I'm not sure about the Marmite?

    1. I also like the P, the J, and everything else..... but not together. UFO's is much better used here than for the other silly meaning. Thank you.

  11. Not knowing Marmite, I googled and learned. And found a delightful commercial for squeezable, featuring Paddington Bear wreaking havic on account of his cheese sandwich with squeezable Marmite. If it tastes like soy sauce, not for me, but great commercial.

    1. Its taste is difficult to describe. Very salty, dark, and yeasty. A tiny bit like soy.

  12. Couldn't the problem of contamination be avoided by using two knives? What goes on inside another person's mouth is nobody's business.

  13. Cro, i'm with you and don't like foreign bits of anything mixing. I'm especially appalled at any floaty bits i see in salad dressing (which i much prefer to mayonnaise but am equally revolted when i see it in mayonnaise, too).

    I've always loved peanut butter, plain or with jelly or jam, but i ALWAYS use two knives when making a pbj.

    I've tried suggesting to Himself that we use two knives or two spoons, depending upon the items used together. He apparently does not have the aversion to mixture that i do.

    Most of the squeeze bottles leave too much inside the bottle for my liking, and the swirled pb and j in a jar has never crossed my threshhold. I prefer doing my own mixing. WITH SEPARATE KNIVES.


  14. Worse still when you find bits of green butter inside the jar/tub
