Tuesday 13 September 2011

Vroooom.... Vroooom.

Oy mister; can we have a go?... It's those boys again; Harvey J and Ollie go motor racing.
The Brighton (fingers-in-ears) Speed Trials take place every September along the prom; it's the one Brighton annual event that I really miss. Luckily my grandsons have taken their places in my stead.

Now all we need is something in which they could compete. An Aston Martin maybe; or perhaps a Bugatti Type 35 ?

Let's try that one Harv'. 

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  1. Imagine driving along in a long, flat, yellow box! The black and red one looks a lot more stylish.

  2. Do they still have soap box races for kids?

  3. The common denominator between men and boys is their love of cars. I think the fascination starts at birth. When my son was young, he never went anywhere without a matchbox car in his pocket.

    I love how the brothers are holding hands.

  4. Future competition for the Schumacher Bros.?

  5. Oooh, I would've loved those speed trials, too. My hubby and I went to a wonderful British Faire this past Saturday, a car show of all Brit-made vehicles. Lots of wonderful cars there, but as always, the Morgans stole my heart.
