Wednesday 14 September 2011

Times they are a changin'.

I should firstly explain that our cottage was originally intended to be what the French might call a 'Garçonnière'. A play house, a place of entertainment, a little hide-away where we just had fun.
We loved our funny kitchen. It had been built by an badly trained monkey, and was impractical, old fashioned, and messy. Things hung from the ceiling, the shelves were filled to overflowing, and the equipment was out-dated; it was wonderful and we loved it.

But times change. We are now living here permanently, and the old kitchen has had its day..... it has to go.

Yesterday at mid-day I phoned the electrician to ask when he might be coming to install all the new sockets, oven connections, and other dangerous bits. "Tomorrow 8 am", he replied.

So I spent the afternoon destroying 35 years of memories, revealing 35 years of grime, and discovering 35 years of lost pencils coins and shopping lists.

Luckily I had already prepared last night's dinner, but for the next few weeks we shall have to eat out. Lunch will be at a favourite restaurant about 20 kms away, and dinner will probably be something very plebeian such as a sandwich, or a sandwich, or a sandwich.

I am really NOT looking forward to all the wretched chaos, but am trying to pretend that I'm perfectly relaxed about everything.

The electrician has now begun his work. Just look at all these wires; and that's only the half of it!

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  1. It seems very exciting - even the eating out.

  2. Funny how the "next few weeks" has the possibility of turning into the "next few months", but for your sake, I certainly hope not. (Heaven forbid "the next few years"!)

  3. I dread as much, T. The actual kitchen maker doesn't turn-up until Oct 3rd.

  4. it will be worth it if it looks anything like your little garden room!

  5. Can't wait to see your 'new' kitchen. I like your terracotta floor tiles. Got any tips on how to keep them looking good?

  6. How exciting, a new kitchen. Hopefully all the trades cooperate and it finishes up on time.

  7. It must feel very strange but it will be great at the same time,we are going to paint after the October long weekend and I have to decide whether to put all the things back on the walls,I am tempted not to but I imagine I will buckle and just be me..have fun Cro and Lady M

  8. Ah the seduction of the kitchen reno! Have done it quite a few times Cro...astonishingly a marriage can survive it.
    Good luck and make sure you post progress reports!

  9. You'll be thrilled with your kitchen update. Earlier this year, I finally changed out our old '60s avocado green range top and hood, and every time I look at it, I feel good all over again.

  10. just keep thinking of the lovely meals that you will have out and then the joy of cooking again in the new kitchen.
    We "did up" our's this summer and even that..a lick of paint...had us at 6's and 7's. We have survived!

  11. I just did a re-do on my 25 year old kitchen, so I know what you are talking about. Bad thing is, I did it myself, and found out I am not what I used to be!! But happy with the minor changes.

  12. Pretending you're okay about it all is the first step in BEING okay. Well, that's probably not true, but sounds like it might be embroidered on a pillow somewhere, don't you think?

    I love that you're thinking that dinner might be -- just might be! -- a sandwich. :-)


  13. I love/hate renovations. I have trouble living in chaos, and anything that takes more than a week has me sitting in a corner in a fetal position. You just have to keep your eye on the prize.

    From the pictures you have shown of your other work, I am sure this kitchen will turn out splendid.

  14. I can imagine that eating out & being waited on will be a real hardship for you - just don't get used to it ok :)

  15. You will have a lovely place to drink tea and whatever, and you will one day try to remember what the old kitchen looked like.

  16. do you have an outdoor grill you could fire up? A sort of make-shift camp kitchen? It is going to be a slog, and for that I'm sorry. But you're going to delight in the finished product! You'll feel like a king in your little castle.
