Monday 12 September 2011

Haddock's Glut.

Please ignore all the weeds; I've been so busy.... Instead, admire my gals Edwina, Richard, and Richard, scratching around in the background.

I'm now beginning to look to my winter vegs; Kale, Broccoli, Sprouts, Squash, Carrots, etc. All are doing well, and everything is surprisingly bug free. Last year I was inundated by white fly, but they seem to have gone. I wonder what happened, they certainly haven't been sprayed.

Like most northern hemisphere veg' gardeners, we now have a glut of summer stuff. I've finished bottling my Ratatouille (the above made the last lot). We have over 20 500gm jars of Rat', about 15 of Courgettes in Tom' sauce, and 15 of Aubergines in Tom' sauce. 

I've also now processed the last of the Toms; I've bottled 3 large 1kg jars for making winter Tomato soups.

Autumn seems to be closing in fast. Those high 30's temperatures are now gone, and mid 20's to 30 will probably be the maximum for a while. We've started to eat the Butternuts, the Sprouts are swelling fast, and the carrots are plump and juicy.

The only thing not performing as well as I'd like, are the Leeks. For some reason they've hardly grown (see top picture). This is a bugger, as Leek and Potato soup is a favourite classic winter standby.

Time now to think of other things. Wood chopping, fruit storage, tidying all the ignored summer detritus. I can feel my winter depression getting ever nearer.

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  1. I think it's been a good year for potagers. I'm very envious of your jars. All our tomato 'stuff' goes into the freezer but has to be used before we migrate for the winter. We picked up 100 leek plants from the local nursery in the spring and they've done really well this year. Our weeds are better than yours too!

  2. No idea what happened to our Leeks. Like you I bought, and planted, them in Spring; but they've hardly grown. Must have been the wrong moon!

  3. The weeds seem to have gone mad this year. We are having to cut the grass a lot more than usual and as it costs us 30€ in petrol each time, it's been expensive this year!

  4. How many hectares is your lawn? To mow mine takes about 30 centimes!

  5. at least your veg is kept separate to the hens... they can be so destructive when raiding an allotment....good produce cro

    do you have a flower and produce show in france?

  6. No John. The closest we come to a horticultural show is a Plant Swap day (May 1st-ish).

  7. Your "girls" look lovely.

  8. Your garden is just beautiful Cro and all it produces is beautiful too!! It sounds like you'll eat well this winter, even if you are depressed...join the crowd! I can't beleive the summer went so fast! Our nights are gettng cooler now and it feels great but I know what's around the corner...yuck!

  9. That is quite a nice garden you have there.

    We are not having a good harvest here because of all the rain. I expect the prices for veggies will go up. However, what isn't.

    Cool air will be hitting us this week, but it will just be in the low 60's which is perfect for me. Temperatures of 30 degrees do not usually happen until November in PA. I enjoy Autumn so much.

  10. SO. I was talking CENTIGRADE. It's still quite hot here.

  11. Sorry Cro, I forgot we talk different kinds of measurements.

  12. Your garden is fantabulous. (What weeds? I don't see no stinkin' weeds.)

  13. Come and stay.... You're my kinda gal.

  14. Haddocks looks amazing, Cro. What a fantastic harvest. Our ground is so dry here it's rock hard. We have had high winds today which have probably polished off the runner beans although we've still got a reasonable crop in the poly tunnel. Your recipes look good.

  15. Looks gorgeous. I love all the different shades of green in your garden.

  16. three lovely gals and some delicious looking glut....well done!

  17. Haddocks looks lovely...I am green with garden envy...

  18. Very impressed with your chooks run, Cro.

    Please send some pics of the fencing to Mr Gray...

  19. Very nice, productive garden, Cro. Those fresh veggies looks great! We are way passed getting much of anything right now. Rabbits are back in my peas, taking advantage of the full moon. If I have it my way, they will be in a stew pot! Your "girls" are beautiful.
