Sunday 21 August 2011

Night Time Swimming.

Jeez, it's been HOT here recently, and in the daytime we spend most of our time just trying to keep cool. However, there's something really special about swimming at night.

We switch on the pool's floodlights, shine coloured lights up into the palms, and cavort like spring chickens in the fabulously irredescent water.

The number of nights when this is possible is limited, but at the moment the weather is perfect, and swimming is so much better than lying in bed unable to sleep.
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  1. That sounds wonderful. What time shall I come round tonight?

  2. Just hop on a No 15 Bus, and ask for Cro, Lumberjack!

  3. Sounds like a great late night activity and the picture is so beautiful!

  4. how utterly Hollywood.

    are your sure you are not faye dunaway?

  5. Why do you think I call myself something stupid like CRO?

  6. You have a POOL? Gasp! It looks fabulous! What a great photo, and a wonderful way to spend a warm summer night. I am envious.

  7. Take video...then on those miserable cold nights when the wind is howling and the snow is flying you can watch it and take heart that this too shall pass.

  8. Cro - that looks wonderful! Couldn't we all come to a virtual pool party! It looks great fun - hope you get lots of good weather!

  9. Delores. When I was small I would try to concentrate on when times were 'perfect', so I could recall them when (if) I became ill; it never really worked. However, I did recently make some videos, so we'll see.

    Molly, you've invited.... say midnight?

  10. Pools are nice and all, but I am a little worried about the water snake that appears to be heading for your son . . .

  11. Hello:
    How strangely approriate this post is to a good book we have just read. Rose Tremain's 'Swimming Pool Season', also set in France. Have you read it? How wonderful all this nightlarking sounds!!!

  12. SO. We're always looking for more lunatic water games. We have tried 'individual' synchronized swimming, but laughing under water doesn't help!

  13. Tess. I think that may be the reason why we built it!!!!! (apart from its cooling qualities, of course).

  14. "Nightswimming deserves a quiet night..."

    one of my favourite REM songs (well maybe after Everybody Hurts).

    wonderful activity!
