Saturday 20 August 2011

Hattatts International Ltd.

Many of you will have visited The Hattatts blog ( But, I am duty-bound to divulge, this is probably NOT a private blog at all. 

I suspect that it's really a large well-equipped OFFICE in the Cayman Islands, where at least two dozen full-time ex-Fleet Street hacks are responsible for the lengthy and informative replies to all the comments they receive.

This instantly popular Blog was started only a few months ago (April?), probably as a joint venture between the Brighton (UK) and Budapest (Hungary) tourist boards. This can easily be confirmed by a visit to their latest offering 'A Taste of Brighton'; a blatantly mouth-watering advertising campaign on behalf of one member of the Brighton (Kemp Town branch) Chamber of Commerce, which has already received nearly 120 comments (commercial inquiries).

So be aware; this highly informative and readable blog is possibly no more than a huge commercial venture, run by an army of writers, photographers, researchers, and quasi-journalists. It just has to be; there simply aren't enough hours in the day for a husband and wife team to cope with the huge work-load!

So, come on you Hattatts; own up NOW. Cards on the table. Let's have the TRUTH.


  1. Hello:
    We are rather uncertin how to take this. We assume it is posted in fun, but it has disturbed us.

    We are who we say we are and have in fact worked very hard to establish our blog which serves no other purpose than to please ourselves, entertain, we hope, others and bring us into contact with a wide range of similar minded people.

    We are hurt by the implication that this is in some way a commercial enterprise and for gain other than personal enjoyment. If you were to meet us, as indeed one of our Followers recently did, then of course you would see for yourself that this is a private blog and the truth in what we write.

  2. I did fear that someone might not see the funny side. I am in awe of how you manage your huge workload. Even your reply above is extensive. This was simply a fun way of saying 'congratulations'!

  3. On reflection, I imagine that either Jane or Lance have, in return, just poked a bit of fun in my direction too; and I fell for it... Congrats again!!

  4. What a way to wake up! i thought we had an international incident starting up!

  5. Love the Hattatts! They take me away to a world that I know little of with their informative and entertaining blog. I look forwad to all their posts.

    I could also say the same about you Cro. Your posts are also fun and interesting to read and your comments are witty and quick to the point.

  6. Me too, but I don't think I could compare myself to them. They always seem so knowledgeable, and their replies to EVERY comment; remarkable!

  7. Hello Cro - I have just come across this blog. Jane and Lance are incredibly generous with the time and attention that they give in replying to comments and giving them. They are a real couple, I have visited them at the garden they had in Herefordshire. However, I know that they will understand your sense of a bit of fun. Its laughter that makes the world go round.

  8. I do hope so Rosemary; but I was beginning to wonder!

  9. I hope we are referring to the same people and the same blog. Personally, I consider their blog to be one of the most delightful finds in the blogosphere. Selfishly enough, I anticipate their comment in each one of my posts. And I await their new posts with the same excitement.

  10. Well, we seem to all be in agreement about their extraordinary attention to detail, and hard work. I'm just a little surprised about the lack of humour out there! Maybe those of us from the Monty Python, Private eye, and Little Britain eras are just a little more privileged.

    Did anyone really believe that I thought they work from a huge Cayman Island office with two dozen flunkies? If so, you're NUTS.

    It states (just beneath this blog name) that I write about the Interesting, the Unusual, and the AMUSING; please, if you can't cope with the latter, I would prefer that you don't visit!

  11. I expected that sort of response when I (falsely - due to their fore-names) accused them of being porn-stars. In retrospect, they almost seemed pleased with the accusation.

  12. I am to soon meet them in Budapest, so I hope this is as I think, just an amusing and fun post. I think they are both terrific.
