Monday 22 August 2011


After leaving college, I taught for a couple of years; once in a Shropshire girls upper school (14-18), and then in a Sussex co-ed prep' school (6-14).

At both locations I stressed my attitude towards the profession by repeating to the children what I, myself, had been told whilst at school, that 'Education should not just provide answers, but also provoke questions'.

I have since collected a few other wise words about education and teaching. Here are just a few.....

W B Yeats said 'Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire'.

Anon said 'Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance'.

Mark Twain cleverly said 'I have never let schooling interfere with my education'.

And once again, the very prolific Anon said 'Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one'.

All wise words; can you add better?


  1. Nope - all of those are good u'ns. My only comment is that Jimmy Edwards was a rampant gay, and once chatted me up when I was young and handsome.

  2. He used to hunt with The Old Surrey & Burstow, who's first meet of the year was always held at my old prep' school. He rode a Shire; and filled it well.

  3. I like Mark Twain's take on it the best.

  4. All good one's Cro... Your open mind quote reminded me of something Dad said...if I can get it right..."Having an open mind is an excuse some folks make for not being able to make up theirs." That's as close as I can get.

  5. How true. And yet an open mind is essential!

  6. I am curious about Shropshire. Is it as dark and dreary there in winter as I've read? See my review of the historidal mystery, A Bitter Truth by Charles Todd, set in 1917 in Shropshire. A Bitter Truth

  7. The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.
    B.B. King

  8. Harvee. Shropshire can be very bleak in winter, with regular falls of snow. However, it's also a very beautiful county with stunning landscapes and good vernacular architecture. It has another great advantage; very few people know where it is!

  9. Every time I go past the 'posh place' I think - Cro used to teach there!

  10. Did his moustache give an extra tickle Tom?

  11. How about, " Those who can't do, teach" ( in paraphrase of George Bernard Shaw apparently).

    With some little experience of my own, I would say that teaching is a tough and difficult profession and almost every other career is a doddle in comparison.

  12. The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. — Dr. Seuss

  13. All great quotes. My father-in-law wasn't a very educated man, but he used to say, "I don't have to know all the answers. All I have to know is where to FIND them." As for me, my mind's so open, I have to be careful my brain doesn't fall out.

  14. Elegancemaison. That's why I gave up teaching. I also became aware that I COULD!
